UPSC Civil Services Exam Final Result 2021 Out The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared the UPSC Civil Services Final Result 2021 today 30 May, 2022. As per the official notice, Shruti Sharma has topped the UPSC Civil Service Exam. Candidates can check their respective results on...
The English subject of the UPSC CDS Recruitment exam consists of 120 questions worth 100 marks. The total time to attempt this section is 2 hours. This gives you less than one minute to answer each question. As a result, you must be well-versed with the best CDS 2023 Preparation Strategy...
CDS Syllabus 2025 - UPSC releases the CDS syllabus 2025 in the official notification. Check UPSC CDS complete syllabus pdf on this page.
MPSC RTO 2 Times MainBank PO 6, 7 MainsLIC MainsSSC CGL and CPO Tier 2UPSC CDS SSB Interview 2 Times Appeared (Air Force and Navy)Selected As Bank Officer (Not Joined)CSAT Book Published Math and Reasoning Tushar Ramesh Niley Dyanprabhodhani: Faculty for GS Geography for UPSC 2009.Dr ...
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