whether to adopt the paragraph or the point style of answering questions. Though there is no set rule, it is wise to adopt a style depending on the question asked. If the question says to discuss, analyse or critically examine, it would be better to answer the question the paragraph forma...
Letter Writing Format Precis Writing Format The linked article will abreast you with detailed tips and strategies onUPSC CAPF preparation. Candidates can go through theCompetitive Exam Preparation Strategiesfor assistance in devising a good study plan and doing diligent preparation. ...
3.Answer format is different from all test series available in the market. 4.It will help you to make the structure of answer writing for any questions. 5.No need to explore any other resources if you develop basic understanding of questions asked by UPSC. What you will get: GS Mains (...
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How to do Answer Writing for UPSC CSE Difference between UPSC Prelims and Mains Syllabus PrelimsMains The prelims exam follows the objective type patternMains exam follows the descriptive pattern IAS Prelims exam has 2 GS papers which are GS one and GS 2 (CSAT)IAS Mains exam has 9 papers Out...
Those 3 months of preparation will be better put to use on honing ones answer writing skills and revision.About the Author Nikesh Author Hey there! I'm Nikesh, a content writer at Adda247. I specialize in creating informative content focused on UPSC and State PSC exams. Join me as we ...
Answer: The UPSC prelims test is given in offline mode, or the traditional pen and paper format. What is the UPSC Prelims Syllabus? Answer: The UPSC Prelims Syllabus consists of two papers: General Studies (GS) Paper-I and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) Paper-II. The GS Pap...Read...
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Also, Check out Answer Writing in UPSC Full Form of UPSC UPSC or Union Public Service Commission is India’s leading central government agency that conducts many top-level exams for the recruitment of officers and staff into various services of the central government. It is most known for the...
on preparation, candidates should first review the AP Judiciary Previous year question paper PDF. Students should practice their answer writing skills using old AP Judiciary Mains exams as a guide. You can find the AP Judiciary Mains Sample Papers and the link to download them in PDF format ...