Mayur Hazarika AIR-5 | UPSC 2022 Topper 42,313 The Hindu Newspaper Analysis 5,684 The Hindu Newspaper Analysis (Hindi) 1,369 Aniruddh Yadav AIR-8 | UPSC 2022 Topper 11,432Comments Rasheeda September 1, 2019 at 6:34 pm How could I get free test series of civils in byjus??? Mentor...
Mayur Hazarika AIR-5 | UPSC 2022 Topper 42,313 The Hindu Newspaper Analysis 5,684 The Hindu Newspaper Analysis (Hindi) 1,369 Aniruddh Yadav AIR-8 | UPSC 2022 Topper 11,432Comments Rasheeda September 1, 2019 at 6:34 pm How could I get free test series of civils in byjus??? Mentor...
The UPSC IAS 2025 cutoff marks refers to the minimum qualifying marks needed to be secured by candidates as per his/her category in different stages of the CSE exam to clear that stage. The UPSC IAS 2025 cutoff marks will be released by the Union Public Service Commission after the announcem...
Negative Marking1/3rd of the total marks allotted to the question will be deducted for every incorrect answer Time Allotted Two hours each; GS Paper-I – 2 Hours (9:30 AM -11:30 AM) CSAT – 2 Hours (2:30 PM – 4:30 PM)
The written test result will contain roll number of candidates those are shortlisted for SSB round. Candidature of all the candidates, whose roll number will be given in the result are provisional. SSB Interview screens the candidates for the Army, Navy and Air Force. It is five days long pr...
The CDS cut-off 2024 will be released soon. Candidates can check out the expected cut-off marks for UPSC CDS from the table below:AcademyWritten ExamFinal Exam IMA (Indian Military Academy) 119 – 131 244 – 256 INA (Indian Naval Academy) 104 – 121 232 – 246 AFA (Air Force Academy...
Candidates must meet the cut-off marks for both stages to get admission into the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings. The written exam cut-off marks are computed from a total of 900 marks. Furthermore, the final cut-off is calculated out of 1800 marks, which are the marks obtained by ...
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Air mass, fronts, cyclones, and jet streams in the insolation and heat budget Belts of Wind and Pressure Precipitation Global Climate Zones Bio Geography Features of the Soil Resources for vegetation Economic and human geography Census data and demography Economic Activities Related To Human...
AS per the UPSC prelims syllabus, there is "Negative Marking" in the Prelims exam.For every wrong answer, 1/3rd of marks allotted for every question will be reducedfrom the correct tally of score. So candidates need to be extra careful while making wild guesses in the prelim exams. ...