29.240 CEC CEC 备案号:CCEECC668-2012 Q/GDW Q/GDW QQ//GGDDWW 1918 — 2013 Q/GDW 国家电网公司企业标准 Q/GDW Q/GDW QQ//GGDDWW 1918 — 2013 UPS UPS 电力调度自动化主站系统UUPPSS 电源及配电系统技术规范 Technicalspecificationsforuninterruptedpowersupplyanddistribution Technicalspecificationsforuninterr...
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Maintenance 42 5.2 Checking UPS function 43 6 Troubleshooting 44 7 Specifications 46 7.1 Electrical 46 7.2 Mechanical 47 7.3 Environmental 47 7.4 EMC 47 7.5 Safety 47 7.6 Industry Standard 47 8 Warranty 48 第一章 简介 1.1 常用符号说明 下述符号有部分或全部会出现在使用手册或使用过程中,请了解它们...
上 Specifications 复位断路器。 ( 规范 ) 中定义的 “最大负载”。 AVR Boost (AVR 电压升高 ) 或 AVR Trim (AVR 电压降低 ) LED 灯点亮 系统在经受极高或极低的市电电压。 请合格的维修人员检查设备的电气故障。如果问题仍然存在,请与市 电公司联系以寻求帮助。 Smart-UPS 2200/3000 VA 100/120/230 ...
61、wing environments: where the temperature and relative humidity are outside the specifications (temperature: 0-40, relative humidity: 20- 90%. where vibrations or shocks are existing. dust, corrosive agents or salts or inflammable gas are present. 2. if the ups will remain idle for a long...
UPS系统设计规范及产品规格说明说明书 SITE PLANNING DATA 9395P 1200-900KVA Dimensional Drawings Customer Connections using Cu Bus Bars Customer Connections using Al Bus Bars
PDF下载 ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Miniature Sized, Low Impedance, For Switching Power Supplies P S series (Through 100V only) Wide temperature range type, miniature sized. Adapted to the RoHS directive (2002/95/EC). P J Smaller P S Specifications Item Performance Charact...
7Specifications 7.1Electrical 7.2Mechanical 7.3Environmental 7.4EMC 7.5Safety 7.6IndustryStandard 8 Warranty 34 34 35 35 37 38 38 38 40 41 42 42 43 44 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 48 PDF 文件使用 " p d f F a c t o r y Pr o " 试用版本创建 晦f . f i n e p r i n t . c o...
6-10KVA: Derate to 60% of capacity in Frequency converter mode and to 90% when the output voltage is adjusted to 208VAC.**Long-run model is only available for 208/220/230/240VAC systems .Product specifications are subject to change without further notice.Winner Pro 2K(L)/ Winner Pro 3...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 伊顿93E系列UPS通讯协议.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Simplified SHUT : Serial HID UPS référence : A reference n° transfer. General specification. indice : AC index page : 1/ 15 AC 21/03/02 Some syntax and lega...