包裹放行*(Release Package):在贴在门口的UPS小条背后签字,代表您同意UPS司机下次投递时,可以将包裹留下,最后再把小条贴回门口。 *请注意,如果您的包裹使用的是UPS成人货到签名服务(UPS Adult Signature Required),这项解决方法并不可行。这项服务要求签收人必须当场出示由政府签发的带有照片身份证件,以便确认是本人...
1.包裹放行*(Release Package):在贴在门口的UPS小条背后签字,代表您同意UPS司机下次投递时,可以将包裹留下,最后再把小条贴回门口。 *请注意,如果您的包裹使用的是UPS成人货到签名服务(UPS Adult Signature Required),这项解决方法并不可行。这项服务要求签收人必须当场出示由政府签发的带有照片身份证件,以便确认是...
包裹放行*(Release Package):在贴在门口的UPS小条背后签字,代表您同意UPS司机下次投递时,可以将包裹留下,最后再把小条贴回门口。 *请注意,如果您的包裹使用的是UPS成人货到签名服务(UPS Adult Signature Required),这项解决方法并不可行。这项服务要求签收人必须当场出示由政府签发的带有照片身份证件,以便确认是本人...
A0 UPS United States Next Day Air Early A.M. - Adult Signature Required - UPS次晨达(必须成人签名) A1 UPS United States Next Day Air Early A.M. - Saturday Delivery, Adult Signature Required - UPS次晨达(星期六递送,必须成人签名)
9.3 Signature Services Signature Required A Shipper may request that UPS obtain the recipient's signature on Delivery. An additional fee, set forth in the UPS Rates applicable to an international Shipment or domestic Package in effect at the time of shipping, will be assessed. The Shipper must ...
Delivery Confirmation Signature Required and Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature Required: UPS® Delivery Confirmation* services are available prior to the release of your shipment. Both services will require the UPS service provider to request for a signature before releasing the shipment. However, ...
A9- UPS United States Next Day Air Early A.M. – Adult Signature Required, COD AA- UPS United States Next Day Air Early A.M. – Saturday Delivery, Adult Signature Required, COD. 所以懂了吧. 下面付费的内容是关于一个判断,不看不影响专业知识的内容。
package, the following provisions apply: You agree that you are obliged to obtain consent from any neighbor before you share their name, address, email address and/or phone number (as applicable) with UPS and allow UPS to communicate with such neighbor, and you represent and warrant that ...
24MissingPLD(PackageLevelDetail)FeePLD包括但不包括仅限于,收货人的全名、完整的收货地址、包裹重量和区域,定义为需要在在包裹被运送时向UPS传输的电子信息;同时还包含客户提交给UPS的所有包裹上需要张贴完整清晰的UPS标签 25SignatureRequiredandAdultSignatureRequiredUPS提供额外付费签名派送服务,分为收件人签名...
I recently used the app to change delivery date of a signature-required package to a WEEK later and was charged 10 bucks to do so. That was the only option the app showed available. UPS "confirmed" that my delivery date was updated, I stayed home the day that tracking showed my ...