全球共15座航空转运中心位于美国、欧洲、亚太地区、加拿大以及拉丁美 洲与加勒比海,分别在肯塔基州路易斯维尔(Louisville, Kentucky).宾夕法尼 亚州费城(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 德州达拉斯(Dallas, Texas) 加州 安大略(Ontario, Californ 18、ia) s 伊利诺伊州洛克福(Rockford, llinois) 南卡 罗来纳州哥伦比亚(...
UPS have been laying off pt supervisor in the Dallas Texas area. I still see a lot of over 60 years old management employees working. Why not offer some of them a buyout, I am sure they would love to have a buyout offer. Keep your younger... —read more ...
UPS' longest-tenured female driver in Dallas approaching 40 years of service Jacqueline Johnson is approaching 40 years of service, making history during Women's History Month. Mar 23, 2023 03:42 UPS' Jacqueline Johnson marks 40 years behind the wheel "I weighed 93 pound soaking wet and...
The article reports that Nielsen Media Research has conducted its annual revision of its U.S. television audience estimates. Neilsen reported there are now 112.8 million television households. Dallas, Texas moved from the s...
UPS BUILDING DALLAS-AREA FACILITY, ADDS SATURDAY PICKUP UPS said it will build a US$200 million package operations facility in Arlington, Texas, just one day after it confirmed that it's pilot retail store Saturday-pickup project would be expanded nationwide by 2018. These developments point ....
全球共15座航空转运中心位于美国、欧洲、亚太地区、加拿大以及拉丁美洲与加勒比海,分别在肯塔基州路易斯维尔(Louisville, Kentucky)、宾夕法尼亚州费城(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)、德州达拉斯(Dallas, Texas)、加州安大略(Ontario, California)、伊利诺伊州洛克福(R...
州费城(Philadelphia,Pennsylvania)、德州达拉斯(Dallas,Texas)、加州安大略 (Ontario,California)、伊利诺伊州洛克福(Rockford,llinois)、南卡罗来纳州哥伦比 亚(Columbia,SouthCarolina)、康乃狄克州哈特福(Hartford,Connecticut)、安大略 汉米尔顿(Hamilton,Ontario)、佛罗里达州迈阿密(Miami,Florida)、台北(Taipei)、 菲律宾潘...
根据Inbound Logistics针对全球专业物流业者所作的调查,UPS为全球排名第一的专业物流业者。UPS成立七个部门(如图3.3),分别是:UPS航空货运(UPS Air Cargo),为全球第八大的货运航空公司,提供货运承揽以及机场到机场的运输服务;UPS财务公司(UPS Capital Corporation),为UPS供应链的财务管理部门,提供顾客将供应链...
Dallas, Texas Ontario, California Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Rockford, Illinois UPS also operates international air hubs in Miami, Florida, Hamilton, Canada, Cologne, Germany, Taipei, Taiwan, and Shenzhen, China. What do UPS pilots do? As the commanders of cargo aircraft...
UPS has five large regional air hubs in the United States, located in Ontario, California; Dallas, Texas; Rockford, Illinois; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Atlanta, Georgia. These hubs serve as centers for sorting, transfer and delivery of packages.[59] 【参考译文】UPS在美国有五个大型区域空运...