and consignee's and/or neighbor's (for UPS My Choice's "leave with neighbor" feature) name, physical address, email address and telephone number, (ii) signature for proof of delivery, (iii) UPS account number, and (iv) information given to us that helps us access locations to which we...
Contact Details: Information such as phone number, address, e-mail address, and fax number etc. Transaction Security Information: Your personal data processed to ensure our technical, administrative, legal and commercial security while conducting our activities (e.g. Log records, IP information, iden...
Individual and business contact information (such as name, company name, physical address, email address and telephone or fax number) Shipping information (such as (i) shipping-related contact details like the sender's, and consignee's and/or neighbor's (for UPS My Choice's "leave with neigh...
Individual and business contact information (such as name, company name, physical address, email address, and telephone or fax number) Shipping information, (such as (i) shipping-related contact details like the sender's and consignee's and/or neighbour's (for UPS My Choice's ‘leave with ...
Individual and business contact information (such as name, company name, physical address, email address and telephone or fax number) Shipping information (such as (i) shipping-related contact details like the sender's, and consignee's and/or neighbor's (for UPS My Choice's "leave with neigh...
Individual and business contact information (such as name, company name, physical address, email address and telephone or fax number) Shipping information (such as (i) shipping-related contact details like the sender's, and consignee's and/or neighbor's (for UPS My Choice's "leave with neigh...