用户手册 简体中文 Smart-UPS RT 3000/5000/6000 VA 200-240 Vac 3U 塔式/机架式可转换 不间断电源 2011 APC by Schneider
Back-UPSProBR1500RM2U2 Batterysafety •Servicingofbatteriesshouldbeperformedorsupervisedbypersonnel knowledgeableaboutbatteriesandrequiredprecautions.Keep unauthorizedpersonnelawayfrombatteries. •APCbySchneiderElectricusesSealedMaintenance-FreeLeadAcid batteries.Undernormaluseandhandling,thereisnocontactwiththe ...
APC Back-UPS Pro BR 1000 1350 1500 MS - TW说明书用户手册.pdf,APCBack-UPSProBR100013501500MS-TW说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册™ User Manual Back-UPS Pro BR 1000/1350/1500 MS - TW Important Safety Information SAVE THESE INSTUCTI
On the computer, go to www.apc.com Search for “PowerChute Personal Edition” then click on “View Details” to download the latest version of PCPE software . Click the download link and select Software product. Select the appropriate operating system. Follow directions to download the software...
APCSMart-UPSSUA1000I-INDSUA1500I-IND说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 ™ User Manual Smart-UPS SUA1000I-IND/SUA1500I-IND Important Safety Information SAVE THESE INSTUCTIONS - This manual contains important instructions that should be followed during installation and ...
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10 Back-UPS Pro BR 1000/1350/1500 MS APC by Schneider Electric IT Customer Support Worldwide For country specific customer support, go to the APC by Schneider Electric Web site, www.apc.com. Select models are ENERGY STAR® qualified. For more information on your specific model go to www...
品牌 APC 输入电压范围 120~290VacVAC 设备类型 在线式UPS 上市时间 2021 货源类别 现货 额定容量 1.5KVA 输出电压范围 220/230/240Vdc 备用时间 10分钟 转换时间 0秒 OEM 不可OEM 最快出货时间 1-3天 是否支持一件代发 支持 发票 提供发票 售后服务 全国联保 包装清单 标准配置 成色 全...
APC UPS Battery Replacement Instructions说明书 Safety and General Information Inspect the package contents upon receipt. Notify the carrier and dealer if there is any damage.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS - This section contains important instructions that should be followed during installation and maintenance of...
品牌 APC 执行质量标准 UPS性能标准 输入电压范围 165~300VacVAC 设备类型 在线式UPS 标称容量 1KW 效率 90% 调制方式 脉冲频率调制(PFM) 相数 单相 电源名称 UPS不间断电源 防护等级 IP20 通讯接口 RS232/USB 上市时间 2019 货源类别 现货 额定容量 1KVA 输出电压范围 220/230/240Vdc 备...