如果APC UPS自检时出现“A battery charger fault exists”这样的错误,并且UPS实际工作时是正常的。有一个可能的原因是电池长期没有放电的原因,定期给UPS电池放电可以延迟UPS的电池寿命。
如果APCUPS自检时出现“A battery charger fault exists”这样的错误,并且UPS实际工作时是正常的。有一个可能的原因是电池长期没有放电的原因,定期给UPS电池放电可以延迟UPS的电池寿命。 职场 休闲 UPS APC 原创 jackie.chen 2010-04-06 13:36:24 2696阅读 ...
Output overload or a short circuit exists. Reduce the load or troubleshoot the short circuit. The power unit is faulty: The inverter relay open-circuits/short-circuits. The output fuse is blown. The bus short-circuits. Replace the power unit. Charger alarm The buzzer buzzes, the fault ind...
1. Check whether the battery voltage is normal. 2. Check whether the output is overloaded. • The UPS has worked in 3. Check whether any battery is damaged. If Battery battery mode for a long time. yes, replace the battery.undervoltage • The charger is faulty. 4. Check whether a...
NORMAL BATTERY BYPASS FAULT ESC ON OFF The power behind competitiveness Delta UPS - Ultron Family HPH Series, Three Phase 20/30/40 kVA User Manual www.deltapowersolutions.com SAVE THIS MANUAL This manual contains important instructions and warnings that you should follow during the installation, ...
•CAUTION A battery can present a risk of electrical shock and high short circuit current.The following precautions should be observed when working on batteries.a. Remove watches, rings or other metal objects.b.Use tools with insulated handles.c. Wear rubber gloves and boots.d.Do not lay ...
Can I Connect My UPS to a Laser Jet Printer?| UPS Laser printers use a very high amount of power and can easily overload your UPS. Overloads of this type can damage your UPS. As such we ask that you do not plug laser printers in to the battery backed outlets of the UPS. ...
0xA000 Charger Fault 0X2402 INV IGBT Over Heat Shutdown 0X2402 PFC Over Heat Shutdown The UPS has an internal fault. 1. The vents are blocked. 2. The UPS has an internal fault. 1. The vents are blocked. 2. The UPS has an internal fault. Please contact service personnel. 1. Check...
When the city power isnormal, the UPS inverter does not work, and the power supply is directlysupplied to the load through the intelligent voltage regulation. Meanwhile, thecity electricity charges the battery through the charger;After the mains is powereddown, the battery supplies power to the ...
Protected Internal battery charger. Charging Floating In overload In overload Not protected In short circuit In fault Battery for the backup power. Powering the load End of life In fault Not present Black / White / Greyed Not present Unknown Not powered ...