Description for Dental Implant Teeth Model: 6001 Clear Upper - 4 Implants maxillary Clear acrylic upper jaw base allows view of implants 4 generic implants with removable superior overdenture by locators connection Good for explaining the overdenture functioning This...
Mass retraction movement of the anterior upper teeth using orthodontic mini-implants as anchoragedoi:10.1007/s10006-011-0260-2Leonardo Henrique de Lima AraujoElton ZenobioMsd DdsJamil Shibli
It also aids in the detection of dental structures added through past restorative treatment, such as implants, crowns, pontics, endodontic treatments, and fillings, as well as their attributes and affected surfaces. Learn More This face off features the odd pairing of a small, but mighty...
The practice is dedicated to preventive dental care with a conservative approach to dentistry. Our focus is on helping you preserve your teeth. Since this is not always possible we treat patients for many cosmetic dental procedures including crowns, implants, bridges, INVISALIGN ®, porcelain venee...
In recent years the use of mini implants as an alternative for absolute anchorage has become a frequently performed procedure in the clinical practice of the orthodontist. Their low cost, easy placement and removal, as well as the immediate loading are part of the reported mini-implant's benefit...
Single implants in the upper incisor region and their relationship to the adjacent teeth. An 8-year follow-up study. Clin Oral Implant Res 1999;10:346-55.Thilander, B.; Odman, J.; and Jemt, T.: Single implants in the upper incisor region and their relationship to the adjacent teeth:...
upper and lower teeth preformed implantsCOLICO FABIANO
upper and lower teeth preformed implantsCOLICO FABIANO
The present case report presents a digital workflow for designing an aesthetic rehabilitation of the upper anterior teeth in an adult male. The patient suffered from a gummy smile resulting from an unfavorable ratio between upper lip length and gingiva/tooth display. In addition, the tooth shapes,...
de Lima Araujo Leonardo Henrique,Zenobio Elton Goncalves.Mass retractionmovement of the anterior upper teeth using orthodontic mini-implants as anchorage. Oraland maxillofacial surgery . 2012de Lima Araujo LH, Zenobio EG, Pacheco W, et al. Mass retraction movement of the anterior upper teeth usin...