Purposes : To find out there is or not a correlation between the medical information completeness and the accuracy of the diagnosis code for upper respiratory tract infection and hypertension based on the ICD-10 in the medical record documents of outpatients at the Cibening Health Center in 2019...
respiratory tract,airway- the passages through which air enters and leaves the body nasal cavity- either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the pharynx
Infectious esophagitis: CMV infection - biopsies from the base of the ulcers; HSV infection - biopsies from the edges of the ulcers; Esophageal candidiasis - biopsies from affected areas plus exfoliative cytology; Helicobacter pylori - up to 5 biopsies (Sidney protocol); Metaplastic (chronic) atroph...
Children with an ICD10 code for an URTI and an antibiotic prescription were stratified into those with or without a penicillin allergy label at the time of the infection. Rates of second-line and broad-spectrum antibiotic use were compared. RESULTS. The birth cohort included 334,465 children ...
Finally, pre-processed data were filtered out based on the ICD classification. Medical records containing the diagnostic codes for nasopharyngitis (460 according to the ICD), upper respiratory infection (465.9 according to the ICD), and bronchitis and bronchiolitis (466 according to the ICD) were ...