Hi, I have a 4 month old kitten. I found her when she was about two months. I took her to the vet and she got some shots. shortly after she got a bad cold. Took her to the vet again and vet put her on antibiotics, eye drops and vitamins. 2 weeks after she all was fine she...
Of the four cats diagnosed with dermatophytosis, one was a 20-week-old kitten and three were adults, ranging from one to three years of age. The affected cats came from three different source agencies. The 20-week-old kitten was in transport for 1.5 h and the three adult cats were in...
Hi Micheline, We're SO happy that sweet Loki is doing so well and back to living his best life as a kitten! It is so amazing to hear that Resp-Aid is helping him with his chronic sinusitis and he's been doing so well for so long 🥰. We LOVE the pic of him he looks so h...