An approximate high-water depth was obtained by adding the tidal range of both spring and neap tides to the lowest-low-water depth. The segment volumes were calculated using the high-water depths H (x, y) as follows: $$V_{i} = \int\limits_{{x_{\min } }}^{{x_{\max } }} {...
The Role of Zooplankton Community Composition in Fecal Pellet Carbon Production in the York River Estuary, Chesapeake Bay Article Open access 13 November 2024 Comparison of sinking particles in the upper 200 m between subarctic station K2 and subtropical station S1 based on drifting sediment trap ...
In this work, the ocean heat content is calculated from the surface to the 23 °C isotherm, which is thought to be the general depth to which the seasonal effect in this bay endures. Therefore, the Ocean heat content is:(3)Ocean heat content=ρCp∫0D23TZdz The temperature (°C) of ...
H. Seasonality and depth distribution of a mesopelagic foraminifer, Hastigerinella digitata, in Monterey Bay, California. Limnol. Oceonogr. 56, 562–576 (2011). 45. Kuepper, F. C. et al. Commemorating two centuries of iodine research: an interdisciplinary overview of current research. Angew....
Many of the dominant species prefer today a water depth of at least 100 m, which may provide a good estimate for this part of the OMM. Most specimens are well preserved and only rarely rounded. Towards the quartzite-rich conglomerate up-section, the fauna evidences a successive decrease of ...
The Kenya National Environment Management Authority [NEMA] (2005) points out that even though the public is largely unaware of climate change issues, the depth and scale of this lack of awareness needs to be clearly established. Mutimba et al. (2010) while acknowledging this low level of ...
Using ocean circulation models, we demonstrate that nitrifying microorganisms are excluded in the sunlit layer when phytoplankton are nitrogen-limited, but thrive at depth when phytoplankton become light-limited, resulting in nitrite accumulation there. However, nitrifying microorganisms may coexist in the ...
be worth nearly as much as high-end autographs or ridiculously tough serial-numbered cards, they're something that every collector can chase. The 2014-15 Upper Deck Hockey Young Guns might not have the same depth as last year but there are still some solid players worth keeping an eye on....
Depositional environment: The typical depositional depth ranges from ~ 20–50 m (Hrabovský and Fordinál 2013; Pivko et al. 2017; this study). The depositional environment corresponds to a shallow marine setting on the inner shelf, predominantly influenced by tidal and wave actions along th...
Gonzalez-Pola, M. Ruiz-Villarreal, and A. L. Montero. 2011. Mixed layer depth (MLD) variability in the southern Bay of Biscay. Deepening of winter MLDs concur- rent with generalized upper water warming trends? Ocean Dyn. 61: 1215-1235. doi:10.1007/s10236-011-0407-6...