Helping to keep the lights on, businesses running and communities strong® An excerpt from ATC's 2011 10-Year Transmission System Assessment An annual report describing economic and regional solutions to electric reliability needs Zone 2 – Michigan's Upper Peninsula and Northern Wisconsin Alger, ...
, which won the New Michigan Press/DIAGRAM 2008 Chapbook Contest, and two full-length collections, Fuse (Black Lawrence Press, 2011) and Bewilderness (Black Lawrence Press, 2014). Sequoia Nagamatsu is the author of the Japanese folklore inspired story collection, Where We Go When All We Were...
The southern margin of the Archean Superior Province in the central Upper Peninsula of Michigan was a nexus for key Paleoproterozoic tectonic events involved in the ~2.1 Ga rifting of proposed Archean supercraton Superia and subsequent assembly of Laurentia. Interpretations of the region's tectonic ...
MPACT (Michigan PArallel Characteristics Transport Code) is a new reactor analysis tool being developed by researchers at the University of Michigan as an ... B Collins,B Kochunas,T Downar - M & C: International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engin...
COMMENTS–Amphisori of this rust commonly occur on the plants growing in the vicinity of the plant limit zone (Chlebicki & Aime 2006). It is an autoecious pathogenic species, circumboreal in distribution, noted on various members of Saxifragaceae. Scutellinia kerguelensis var. microspora W.Y....
(Russell1973:18; Karr1974; Coleman1978; Flanders2004:xxxvi; Lee2004). The Irish Potato Famine and the disposition of Scottish Crofters also resulted in a large movement of people to Upper Canada. The province was the fastest growing North American region between 1825 and 1851 (Russell1973:10;...
This Clinical Policy Bulletin addresses upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and gastrointestinal biopsy. Medical Necessity Aetna considers the following interventions medically necessary: Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)/upper endoscopy for high-risk screening inanyof the following: ...
The calculation method is as follows:(5)DORjRAjTAj×100,where DORj is the DOR value of the reach j, j is the number of reaches, RAj is the sum of the road area of the reach j, and TAj is the total area of the 1 km buffer zone in the reach j. The larger the DOR value, ...
Zone 2 through various transmission facilities including: n Morgan-Plains and Plains-Dead River 345-kV lines, n Plains-Stiles 138-kV double-circuit line, n Conover-Plains 138-kV line, and Keweenaw Keweenaw n 138-kV facilities tying the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to the Lower Peninsula....
(ET) from no-till, rainfed maize and soybean during three growing seasons (May-Sep) of normal rainfall years (2009, 2010, 2011) and a drought year (2012) in Michigan, USA, based on daily soil water uptake measured by time-domain reflectometry at multiple depths through the root zone. Du...