windwindtroposphereatmospheric temperaturebarometric pressureinstruction manualsmeteorological chartstablesThe report was prepared as a manual for forecasters in weather centrals. It describes manual techniques developed for analysis of constant-pressure charts in the troposphere by means of so-called thickness...
Using these results as a guide, Pacific jet hindcasts, based on zonal-wind forecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting Integrated Forecasting System, are utilized to test whether STT and TME over specific geographic regions may be predictable for subseasonal forecast leads ...
Earth’s upper-level jet streams influence the speed and direction of travel of weather systems and commercial aircraft, and are linked to severe weather occurrence. Climate change is projected to accelerate the average upper-level jet stream winds. Howe
Wind speed, wind direction and temperature are the observed or forecast values at the given hour. Commute Forecast Transit Cycling Walking Driving This morning 6am Pretty good 7am Pretty good 8am Pretty good 9am Very windy 12km/h N, gusts 62.8km/h This afternoon 3pm Pretty good 4pm ...
where h is terrain height, VL is the maximum low-level wind speed within 1.5 km of the terrain. The threshold of the terrain height was determined to cover MWT-prone regions such as the Rocky Mountains, the Andes, and the Himalayas. The mountain wave term (ds) is multiplied by selecte...
1) strong upper level wind 强风速核2) nuclear electronic anemometer 核电子风速计3) intensified value of weathering rate 风化速率强化值4) gust intensity index 风速强度指数5) strong kernel 强核 例句>> 6) strong wind 强风 1. A study of objective forecast method of winter and spring ...
Monthly tables of soundingThe upper air weather forecast data used in current business and research and digital data of the recently finished upper air ... Z Chen - 农业科学与技术(英文版) 被引量: 3发表: 2009年 New Methodology for Predicting Vertical Atmospheric Profile and Propagation Parameters...
Shaded contours show the temperature anomaly, grey contours show the tangential wind in m s−1 estimated from the height gradients calculated from AMSU-A temperatures using boundary conditions from the Global Forecast System as in Demuth et al. [2004], assuming 1-D gradient balance. Anomalies ...
ERA5 specific humidity data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) is a product of combining data assimilation with weather forecast modelling system, the accuracy of which relies on data assimilation methods and the stability and precision of observational systems. On ...
After reviewing the basic methodology the authors present experiments to examine the impact of trends in the wind field and model forecast bias (referred to in the engineering literature as colored noise). The authors believe these to be the major sources of error in the retrospective analysis. ...