Progressive unintentional weight loss; Suspicious barium meal (upper GI series); Evaluation of chronic dyspepsia and/or abdominal pain when other studies (e.g., colonoscopy, enteroscopy, ileoscopy, and flexible sigmoidoscopy) have negative results; Differentiation of Crohn's disease from ulcerative col...
The enthesivm of the "VOX Populi" ad has carried over into a series.of seven "Writing in our Time" poeuy readings organized by Tellman. who is on sabbadcal this yeu. The big names an dnwlng houses of I .CQO.'with proceeds going to aid West Coast literary presses. In the ...
It can be critically stated that the majority of the existing procedures are, from the point of view of use in operating practice, problematical, namely due to the problematical determination of a series of used constants, due to the concretization of inputs to derived relations, etc. Most ...
skeleton. Where θi is the joint angle, di is the joint distance, ai is the link length, and αi is the link Tabtfwrlaeims2te.aRnDgi−Hle1.apAraedrgdaiimvtieoenntaaelsrl:ys, frame Ri relative to Link 1 ...
When a monotonic trend is detected, its magnitude is calculated by the Sen's slope method [25]. The Sen's slope β corresponds to the calculation of the median of the slopes calculated on each peer of points in the time series where each measurement is performed at regular intervals. β ...
The system dynamics model, also known as the stylized model, can use a series of discrete or contin- uous equations to represent the change in state variables [39,40]. EI-Gafy established a model with a series of discrete equations to analyze the water footprint and virtual water balance ...