An upper gastrointestinal (GI) series is an x-ray of the esophagus, stomach, and the upper part of the small intestine. An x-ray that only takes pictures of your throat and esophagus is called a barium swallow. Liquid barium (a white chalky liquid) or another type of contrast liquid is...
Introduction: There is conflicting evidence with regard to the routine use of upper gastrointestinal contrast series in detecting early complications post paraesophageal hernia repair (PEHR). Methods: All cases booked for a PEHR between January 2007 and September 2015 were identified using hospital ...
Like all types of X-rays, an upper GI series involves radiation, so it’s important to talk with your doctor about your specific situation. The risks linked to radiation get higher the more you’re exposed to it, so be sure to tell them about any other X-rays or scans you’ve had ...
Google Share on Facebook upper GI series Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to upper GI series:hiatal hernia,upper GI endoscopy (jē′ī′) n. A radiological study in which a solution containing barium sulfate is swallowed, allowing visualization of the upper gastrointestinal tr...
The double-contrast upper GI series makes medical and economic sense as a cost-effective alternative to endoscopy for evaluating patients with or other upper GI symptoms who fail to respond to an empiric trial of medical therapy. These studies are capable of detecting most clinically significant dis...
upper-GI studyupper-GI study A radiologic study in which a radiocontrast (e.g., a thick, barium-based substance) is ingested by the patient and images obtained from the upper-GI tract—oesophagus, stomach, duodenum.ConsBarium contrast is a viscid radiodense material, the use of which ...
Background: Routine postoperative GI series has been common before discharging gastric bypass patients. 78,000 operations were performed in the USA in 2002. At $75 each, the total annual expenditure for the upper GI series approaches 6 million dollars. This study examines the value of performing...
Acute Respiratory Failure From Aspiration Pneumonitis: A Complication of Gastrografin Contrast Media A subsequent upper GI series with 100ml of full strength gastrografin was performed which showed no leakage in the Gastrointestinal(GI) tract. Approximately two hours later she developed dyspnea at rest...
Abnormal findings on routine upper GI series following laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Obes Surg 2007;17(3):311-6.Raman R, Raman B, Raman P, Rossiter S, Curet MJ, Mindelzun R, Morton JM (2007) Abnormal findings on routine upper GI series following laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric ...
In contrast to the normal process outlined above, there is a persistence of high residual active sphincter muscle tension during the swallow. As a consequence UES opening may still occur to a variable (at times normal) degree in the presence of increased hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure.5 Conseq...