二者只有使用场合不同,其他的都相同;uppercase/lowercase letter是一般用在书面用语,较为正式;而capital/small letter多用于口语中。
区别:一、意思不同 upper and lower case letters and numbers 大写或小写字母和数字 upper case是大写的意思,另外可以用capital lower case是小写的意思,另外可以用small A good passphrase is relatively long and contains a combination of upper and lowercase letters and numeric and punctuation ...
瑞鸿网词典双语例句Most schools teach children lower case letters first, and upper case letters later.大多学校先教孩子们小写字母,然后再教大写字母。
1英语翻译翻译这个Your password must include all of the following:1) upper case letters (A-Z)2) lower case letters (a-z)3) at least one numeric character (0-9)4) at least one symbol character (ie.,@,#,,&,*,etc.) 2翻译中文翻译这个Your password must include all of the following1...
apasswords must be to 16 characters long and contain at least three of the following:upper case letters,lower case letters,digits and special 密码必须长期是对16个字符和包含至少三的下列:大写字目、小写字母,数字和特别[translate]
upper and lower case letters 大小写(字母)upper and lower case letters 大小写(字母)
Answer to: An upper case letter and a lower case letter, such as "a" and "A" are always represented using the same 8-bit binary code. True or...
upper lower case letters 大写字母与小写字母 双语例句 1 Upper and lower case letters are distinct, sox and X are two different names.大写字母与小写字母是有区别的,所以,x与X是两个不同的名字。2 Q Trace this letter first, then color the matchable upper and lower case letters.首先...
upper and lower case是什么意思 大小写(字母、人名)英式发音:【’ʌpə ænd‘ləuə keis】,双语对照:1、Does the domain look good in upper and lower case?这个区域无论... upper and lower case letters and numbers. upper and lower case letters and numbers 大写或小写字母和数字 upp ...
Useonlyupperorlower case letters andnumbers. bootb.com bootb.com 只能使用大小写字母和数字。 bootb.com bootb.com A corrective actioninupper andlowercaselettersdisplays on the bottom line. printronix.de printronix.de 纠正性操作在最 底行以大写和小写字母显示。