upper canada mall的food court和密市square one的差不多,但這家pier87我只在upper canada mall看到. 本來還想試clam chowder可惜賣完了.『lobster roll龍蝦包』龍蝦肉碎的整的都有,還挺多的一邊咬還一邊掉. 薯條也是調過味的香脆可口·patties家有辣有不辣,我這個是『spicy beef』辣牛肉,能吃辣的人這個...
Res. Bd. Canada,167, 1–311. Google Scholar Suess, E. (1980): Particulate organic carbon flux in the ocean-surface productivity and oxygen utilization. Nature,288, 260–263. Article Google Scholar Takahashi, K. and S. Honjo (1983): Radiolarian skeletons: sinking speed and residence ...
The question whether the global conversion of agriculture to Organic Farming (OF) systems would be able to supply the current and future demand for food and feed is the subject of scientific inquiry, public discussion, and political debate1,2,3. A rigorous analysis needs to distinguish between ...
Authors R. P. Messmer (1) F. W. Birss (1) Author Affiliations 1. Division of Theoretical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Continue reading... To view the rest of this content please follow the download PDF link above.Over...
59, and Mariana seawater salinity and temperature measured in this study. The hadal food web is based on Gerringer37. The δ202Hg values of trench fauna at 7000–11000 mbs (0.27 ± 0.14‰, 1 SD) are ~0.3‰ higher than the weighted mean δ202Hg (−0.05 ± 0.30‰, 1...
5. Morrison HI, Semenciw RM, Morison D, Magwood S, Mao Y: Brain cancer and farming in western Canada. Neuroepidemiology 1992, 11:267–276. 6. Reif J, Pearce N, Fraser J: Cancer risks in New Zealand farmers. Int J Epidemiol 1989, 18:768–774. 7. Rodvall Y, Ahlbom A, Spänn...
Multivariate analysis of flood characteristics in a climate change context of the watershed of the Baskatong reservoir, Province of Québec, Canada The analysis of the impact of climate change (CC) on flood peaks has been the subject of several studies. However, a flood is characterized not only...
Background The Elk Valley is located in the southeast corner of British Columbia (BC), Canada. It contains the main stem of the Elk River (220 km long) and many tributaries, including the Fording River (70 km long). This report focuses on the upper Fording River, which starts 20 km ...
Microorganisms oxidize organic nitrogen to nitrate in a series of steps. Nitrite, an intermediate product, accumulates at the base of the sunlit layer in the subtropical ocean, forming a primary nitrite maximum, but can accumulate throughout the sunlit layer at higher latitudes. We model nitrifying...
Microorganisms oxidize organic nitrogen to nitrate in a series of steps. Nitrite, an intermediate product, accumulates at the base of the sunlit layer in the subtropical ocean, forming a primary nitrite maximum, but can accumulate throughout the sunlit l