We conducted, therefore, numerical simulations of groundwater flow in theoretical drainage basins using flux as the upper boundary and realistically positioned fluid-potential sinks while changing the infiltration intensity, hydraulic conductivities, and geometric configuration of the basin. The simulated ...
Alternatively, if the mantle is mobile, there could be enough heat exchange across the core-mantle boundary for convection in the core, but the liquid core layer must be too thin to allow a dynamo operation. Because of these fundamental questions, one of the InSight mission goals is to ...
Next we show through a variational principle that these provide both upper and lower bounds on the flux when evaluated for trial concentration functions which satisfy only the boundary conditions of the Laplace equation. We use an analogy with electrostatics to calculate rigorous bounds within approx....
In particular, CIT above the cloud boundary (hereafter termed near-cloud turbulence, NCT) can be caused by shear and convective instabilities, deformation of convectively induced flows, and convectively induced gravity waves and their breaking1,9,10,11 and has been shown to be responsible for ...
This question is analogous to that of determining the “minimal flow unit” in wall-bounded shear flow turbulence, the smallest physical domain with horizontally periodic boundary conditions in which (low-dimensional) turbulence can sustain itself. We address this question empirically via highly-...
A Solution of the Mixed Boundary Value Problem for an Infinite Plate With a Hole Under Uniform Heat Flux A general solution of the mixed boundary value problem with displacements and external forces given on the boundary is obtained for an infinite plate with ... N Hasebe,H Irikura,T Nakamur...
Turbulence data from three Arctic drift station experiments demonstrate features of turbulent heat transfer in the oceanic boundary layer. Time series analysis of several w′T′ records shows that heat and momentum flux occur at nearly the same scales, typically by turbulent eddies of the order of...
2) boundary condition 边界条件 1. Defining the turbulent mixing coefficient and the corresponding flux-boundary conditions for the dust diffusion equation; ESP粉尘二维输运方程中紊流掺混系数及边界条件的确定 2. Boundary conditions of finite difference time domain simulation in room acoustics; ...
32. We make two changes to the model described there: (1) We do not account for changes in O2 due to changes in the burial of organic carbon (because the timescale is too short for significant changes in O2 and we want to treat O2 as an uncertain boundary condition); (2) We ...
basins is either the continental boundaries or the continental shelves (for example, the Bering Shelf). Between the APF and the Subtropical Front (STF), the upper pycnocline boundary is the base of the winter mixed layer (∼400 m depth)46. Above this boundary and up to the surface is ...