Bakhsh W, Nicandri G. Anatomy and Physical Examination of the Shoulder. Sports medicine and arthroscopy review. 2018 Sep:26(3):e10-e22. doi: 10.1097/JSA.0000000000000202. Epub[PubMed PMID: 30059442] [2] Cowan PT, Mudreac A, Varacallo M. Anatomy, Back, Scapula. StatPearls. 2023 Jan:()...
Generally, after a total shoulder arthroplasty operation, the shoulder biomechanics and, therefore, the muscular neurological intervention (also considering the presence of scars and adhesions) change. One study reveals that a shoulder having undergone surgery tends to use the scapulothoracic system a h...
Muscular irritation.The shoulder girdle attaches by large muscles to the scapula (the shoulder blade) and the back of the rib cage. These large upper back muscles are prone to developing strains or tightness that can be painful and difficult to alleviate. Muscular irritation in the upper back i...
Muscle dependency of corticomuscular coherence in upper and lower limb muscles and training-related alterations in ballet dancers and weightlifters It has been well documented that the 15- to 35-Hz oscillatory activity of the sensorimotor cortex shows coherence with the muscle activity during weak to...
(Anatomy)anatomya ring of muscle surrounding the opening of a hollow organ or body and contracting to close it [C16: from Late Latin, from Greeksphinkter,fromsphingeinto grip tightly] ˈsphincteraladj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Pu...
An excellent choice for creating muscular tension in your upper abs. There’s virtually no learning curve so you can jump right in. How to Do the Sit-Up Lie flat on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degrees and hands across your chest. Flex the abs to pull your torso up to your...
Pull-up anatomy Just like push-ups, pull-ups are a compound upper body exercise that trains several important muscle groups simultaneously. The main muscles trained during pull-ups are: Back Anatomy Latissimus dorsi– lats for short and located on the side of your upper back ...
Finally the filtered, warmed air passes out of the back of the nasal cavities into the nasopharynx, the uppermost part of the pharynx. 2. The Paranasal Sinuses Surround the Nasal Cavities The paranasal sinuses are four paired, air-filled cavities found inside bones of the skull. These ...
great muscular strength.muscular 2. having well-developed muscles; strong. She is tall and muscular.musculosomuscle in (often with on) to gain entry, or gain a share of something by force. The large firms have muscled in on all the important contracts.entrometerse, inmiscuirse Kernerman ...
The name "musculocutaneuous" indicates it is "muscular" in the arm and "cutaneous" in the forearm. Adduction and abduction of the fingers are mediated by the ulnar nerve and would not be affected in this instance. The flexor pollicis brevis muscle flexes the thumb and is mainly innervated...