Here, we collected US videos of a transverse section of the upper arm, and labeled points in several frames of each video during various movements—walking, reaching, maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), and rest (see "Video collection"). Five tracking algorithms were used to track these points...
Learn about the appendicular skeleton. Discover the appendicular skeleton's function, bones of the appendicular skeleton, and see the appendicular skeleton labeled. Related to this Question Identify the major features of the bones that comprise the lower limb. ...
Study the human skull's anatomy. Examine a labeled diagram of the skull to learn about the different cranial bones and discover how many bones are in the skull. Related to this Question The ___ bone forms part of the anterior crania...
These systems are labeled coaching devices through- out this report. Because coaching devices are sensorized, they serve as input interface for interaction with thera- peutic games in virtual reality (VR) (e.g. T-WREX [106], ArmeoSpring from Hocoma AG) or for telerehabilitation (i.e. ...
labeledcoaching devicesthroughout this report. Because coaching devices are sensorized, they serve as input interface for interaction with therapeutic games in virtual reality (VR) (e.g.T-WREX[106],ArmeoSpringfrom Hocoma AG) or for telerehabilitation (i.e. remotely supervised therapy). Coaching ...
An SVM is a supervised learning method that generates input–output mapping functions from a set of labeled training data. SVM models are closely related to artificial neural networks, and an SVM utilizing a sigmoid kernel function is akin to a two-layer feedforward neural network. One of the...