boundary. The results are presented at an interval of 0.1. Additionally, for the purpose of studying the co-occurrence of drought characterized by the SPI and the NDVI, a classification of the NDVI was established based on three size ranges. The first class includes the NDVI between 0 and ...
Muger watershed is located in the upper Blue Nile Basin, in the central Ethiopian highlands. It ranges from 38° 16' E to 38° 30’ E longitudes and 9° 19' N to 9° 37’ N latitudes, covering an area of 459.4 sq. km (Fig.1). The elevation and slope of the target area extend...
The spatial delimitation of drought-prone areas was limited by the altitude corresponding to the climatological station’s altitude, which showed a significant trend (towards wetter conditions) of both analyzed drought indices (SPI and SPEI). This process was carried out using the Raster Calculator ...