The type and location of pain may help the doctor find the cause. The intensity and duration of pain must also be considered when making a diagnosis. A few general characteristics of abdominal pain are: What the pain feels like:Abdominal pain can be sharp, dull, stabbing, cramp-like, knife...
Upper right abdominal pain, also called right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain refers to pain in the upper right side of the abdomen. Most people refer to abdominal pain as a "stomach ache." There are a lot of different organs in the area of the abdomen, and the stomach is certainly one of ...
Upper stomach painis often used to describe upper abdominal pain in general. Although the stomach lies mainly in the left upper quadrant, it is difficult to correlate pain in this area specifically with stomach-related conditions. A number of other structures and organs lie in this part of the...
In subject area: Medicine and Dentistry Upper abdominal pain is the most common complaint and results from partial infarction of the lesion or pressure on adjacent tissues. From: Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease (Ninth Edition), 2010 ...
We describe a patient with primary gastrointestinal involvement by KS who presented first with upper gastrointestinal bleeding and abdominal pain and no other stigmata. Afterwards, the diagnosis of an HIV infection was made.doi:10.4314/sagr.v6i1.30743I Chamisa...
You do not have a bowel movement for 2 days after this test. You have severe abdominal pain.Contact your healthcare provider if:You have severe constipation. You cannot pass gas. You have a fever. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.Medicines:...
Upper abdominal bloating is experienced as pain, tightness, discomfort and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. In most cases, it is due to the presence of trapped gas in the intestines and the stomach. The most common culprits behind bloating are explained below: ...
ACUTE abdominal pain in the right-upper quadrant associated with pneumoperitoneum in a middle-aged patient suggests a rather limited differential diagnosis: perforation of a hollow viscus or presence of an intraabdominal abscess containing gasforming organisms. We report an additional cause of pneumoperito...
ACUTE abdominal pain in the right-upper quadrant associated with pneumoperitoneum in a middle-aged patient suggests a rather limited differential diagnosis: perforation of a hollow viscus or presence of an intraabdominal abscess containing gasforming organisms.We report an additional cause of pneumoperitone...
However the last two days I went from being constipated to having diarrhea like crazy and gas that is not normal. I wake up in severe pain on my left side and it is a very sharp pain and it will radiate across the top of my stomach. The sharp pain starts close to the belly button...