/ IGD,因为并非所有NAT设备都支持PCP / NAT-PMP,并且许多旧设备仅支持UPnP / IGD。
UPnP, NAT-PMP, and PCP, are all different "ask the router nicely to open a port for us" (yes, its a XKCD 927 moment), of which any one may be implemented in the router at any time. Probing and requesting an open external port would a.) make the endpoint manager's job substantial...
PCP(端口控制协议):是NAT-PMP的改进版本,支持IPv6和更复杂的网络场景,兼容性较好。 IGD(Internet Gateway Device标准):与UPnP类似,但更注重与网关设备的互操作性。 相比UPnP,这些技术更加注重安全性,但在设备普及率上略显不足。 哪些路由器品牌的UPnP实现更安全? 以下品牌在UPnP实现中相对更注重安全性: Netgear:...
Java library that maps ports on NAT-enabled routers (supported protocols: UPnP-IGD/NAT-PMP/PCP). - offbynull/portmapper
This module will allow you to control port mappings in a NAT and probe it for various settings. Probing methods To run all the NAT probing tests, portControl.probeProtocolSupport(); This method resolves to an object of the form{"natPmp": true, "pcp": false, "upnp": true}. ...