console.log(element.id) if (file.id === element.id) { this.formFileList.splice(i, 1) } }) }) }, // 图片点击下载 handleDownload(file) { const fileUrl = file.url window.open(fileUrl) }, // 图片查看器 handlePictureCardPreview(file) { for (let i = 0; i < this.formFileList....
<el-form-item label="上传照片" prop="imagePath"> <el-upload ref="upload" class="avatar-uploader" list-type="picture-card" action :file-list="fileList" :show-file-list="true" :limit="uploadLimit" :before-upload="beforeUpload" :http-request="uploadPicture" :class="{ hide: hideUploadEd...
Q: How could I submit my picture to the database? After I upload the pictures, how can I record the picture to the article or other usage? A: it is project level question. If you want to know the record id of your uploaded file, you should return its id in your server side respo...
Take a look at theprofile picture sample project, which demonstrates the use of the Upload widget in a Next.js app. Code explorer: Upload widget example Check out the followingUpload Widget code explorerthat you can fork to try out some sample configuration changes: ...
(this.elForm || {}).disabled; // 组件禁用 // 如果组件传入了 disabled 参数则禁用该上传组件 // 或者 调用的表单组件设置了整体的disabled属性 // (this.elForm || {}).disabled 为了防止报错 this.elForm 可能是null } }, watch: { listType(type) { if (type === 'picture-card' || type...
})(<Uploadaction="2"customRequest={this.doImgUpload}listType="picture-card"fileList={imgList}onPreview={this.handlePreview}beforeUpload={this.handleBeforeUpload}onChange={this.handleChange}>{imgList.length >= 1 ? null : uploadButton}</Upload>)}</FormItem><Row><Colspan={3}/><Colspan={18...
Dim upload,file,formName,formPath Dim i,l,fileType,newfilename,filenamelist '创建新文件名称 newfilename = makefilename() '建立上传对象 Set upload = New upload_5xsoft '上传文件目录 formPath = Server.MapPath("images")&"/" '列出所有上传了的文件 For Each formName In upload.objFile '生成...
pictureediting PictureEditing import-word importword ImportWord FormattingOptions ImportWordConfig importwordcommand ImportWordCommand DataInsertEvent importwordediting ImportWordEditing importwordui ImportWordUI indent indentcommandbehavior indentbehavior IndentBehavior indentusingclasses ...