UploadImage上传图片 UploadImage:NSObject+(void)uploadImage:(UIImage*)image fileId:(NSInteger)fileId completion:(void(^)(BOOL isSuccess,id result))completion;@end #import"UploadImage.h"#import"AFNetworking.h"#import"Photo.h"@implementationXWUploadImage+(void)uploadImage:(UIImage*)image fileId:(...
Upload NSImage: letimageFilePath="/Path/to/the/pic.jpg"letimage=NSImage(contentsOfFile:imageFilePath)iPic.uploadImage(image,handler:{(imageLink,error)inifletimageLink=imageLink{// Image uploaded}elseifleterror=error{// Some error happened}}) ...
基于element-ui 的简单且强大的图片上传组件. Contribute to gcming/vue-ele-upload-image development by creating an account on GitHub.
Podia existir a possibilidade de gerar imagens através de outras exemplo: Importo uma imagem de um farol de um bmw e peço uma imagem semelhante com tons de neon, e fumo por trás, baseado nessa mesma imagem importada, seria um passo importante para a eficiencia do processo criativo...
First, cross-browser issues can be a factor. Sometimes, an image uploads fine in one browser but not in another.Different browsershandle file uploads differently, which can lead to problems. Invalid file names can also cause problems. If your image file name has special characters or spaces, ...
appGroupstringOptionaliOS only. App group ID needed for share extensions to be able to properly call the library. See:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsfilemanager/1412643-containerurlforsecurityapplicati Notification Object (Android Only) ...
- (void) uploadImageLegacy:(UIImage *)image { //upload single image NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:5.0]; ...
INSObjectProtocol INSPortDelegate INSProgressReporting INSSecureCoding INSStreamDelegate INSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender INSUrlConnectionDataDelegate INSUrlConnectionDelegate INSUrlConnectionDownloadDelegate INSUrlProtocolClient INSUrlSessionDataDelegate INSUrlSessionDelegate INSUrlSessionDownloadDelegate INSUrlSess...
Chris128, hello Chris thank you for your respond. The reason is, that the tool allows the current logged in user to change his photo or another persons /accounts photo in the ad. That emans the that it tries to connect top the ad with your current credentials...