This is a Tiktok Clone made with Nuxt 3, Vue JS, Laravel (API), Tailwind CSS, and Pinia javascriptphpvuejsvuenuxtaxiosimage-uploadnuxtjsvideo-uploadtailwindtailwindcssvue3tiktoktiktok-clonepinianuxt3pinia-plugin-persist UpdatedSep 6, 2023 ...
How to use Active Storage to upload images, files in Rails application s3image-processingruby-on-railsupload-imagesupload-filesrails52active-storage UpdatedJan 19, 2023 Ruby Plataforma de envío de mensajes directos, con características básicas de social networking. ...
In this tutorial, you will learn laravel amazon s3 file upload. you'll learn how to upload file to s3 using laravel filesystem. you will learn laravel upload directly to s3. if you have question about how to get image from s3 bucket in laravel then i will give simple example with solut...
In this step, we will create web routes. Laravel provide web.php file for write web services route. So, let's add new route on that file. routes/web.php Route::get('image-view','ImageController@index'); Route::post('image-view','ImageController@store'); Step 2: Create ImageC...
Create a web document scanning app with Dynamic Web TWAIN and PHP Laravel. Implement document uploading using Laravel controller, template and routes.
import myUpload from 'vue-image-crop-upload/upload-2.vue'; export default { props:['avatar'], data() { return { show: false, params: { _token: Laravel.csrfToken, name: 'img' }, headers: { smail: '*_~' }, imgDataUrl: this.avatar ...
控制器正式登场,资源路由以及资源控制器助你走上社会化协作之路 06:37 .env 与配置文件分离协调工作,完成对核心私密数据的保护功能 06:27 数据建模初见面,创建数据库并了解一下 migration 数据迁移文件 10:34 当你理解了Laravel migration 运行原理,以后遇到问题你就知道如何解决了 ...
Github Star 排行昨日排行(延迟一天)本月排行历史排行 第8557 名第 3743 名第 7513 名第 10867 名 注:排序范围为 Laravel 所有相关项目总榜,另外两个榜单是Laravel 扩展排行榜和Laravel 应用排行榜。 关键词 uploadajaximageslaravelimage-uploadvueenso
$file_data[$col] = trim($value); } $result[] = $file_data; } print_r($result); }else{print"Invalid uploads"; } } 开发者ID:ClixLtd,项目名称:pccupload,代码行数:28,代码来源:import.php 示例4: store ▲点赞 2▼ /** * Stores new upload ...
Now, if I don't enter product name and upload an image which is too big - here's what I will see: 5. Storing Data and Files After all this hard work - let's finally upload the data. We have two things to take care of - database and file storage. Let's start with the files...