Connect API 获取Token 获取Token(项目级) Publishing API(HarmonyOS) Upload Management API 获取文件上传地址 上传文件 分片上传初始化 获取分片上传地址 上传分片实体 合并分片 Provisioning API Domain Management API Testing API Publishing API(非HarmonyOS) ...
调用 SDK 或 API 完成媒资上传时需要对其进行 Base64 解码后再使用。仅 OSS 原生 SDK 或 OSS API 方式上传需要自行解析 UploadAddress。 eyJTZWN1cmuIjoiQ0FJU3p3TjF*** ImageURL string 图片的访问地址。 说明 如果返回的 ImageURL 在浏览器无法访问(403),是因为您开启了点播域名的鉴权功能。可关闭 URL 鉴...
* @url: */$url='FILE URL';$file=file_get_contents($url);$response=wp_remote_post('WEBSITE-DOMAIN/wp-json/wp/v2/media',array('headers'=>array('Authorization'=>'Basic '.base64_encode("$login...
Input type for getting image upload url. Constructor Summary 展開表格 ConstructorDescription GetImageUploadUrlInput() Creates an instance of GetImageUploadUrlInput class. Method Summary 展開表格 Modifier and TypeMethod and Description String entityType() Get the entityType property: Type of en...
Bug Description I'm using the sample code to upload an image to a chat conversation using Python API. I tried both our Azure cloud deployment on Ubuntu 22 LTS with Docker Compose, pulling the latest version from Github the online version...
API catalog Media upload CreateUploadVideo RefreshUploadVideo CreateUploadImage CreateUploadAttachedMedia UploadMediaByURL GetURLUploadInfos CancelUrlUploadJobs UploadStreamByURL DeleteMultipartUpload GetUploadDetails RegisterMedia Upload OSS objects Audio and video playback Media asset management Media processing...
constuploadTask=my.uploadFile({url:'https://...',// 请替换成有效的服务端 urlfilePath:'https://usr...',// 请替换成有效的 filePathname:'userfile'});constlistener=({header})=>{console.log(header);}uploadTask.onHeadersReceived(listener); ...
URL2PNG Website Screenshots VIESUS™ Automatic Image Enhancement WebPurify Image Moderation References Transformation URL API Upload API Admin API Provisioning API Analyze API (Beta) Live streaming API (Beta) Cloudinary CLI SDK references Transformation Builder reference React SDK reference Vue.js SDK ...
Example 1: to bind an event handler to the cloudinarydone event and display a thumbnail preview of the uploaded image: JS $('.cloudinary-fileupload').bind('cloudinarydone', function(e, data) { $('.preview').html( $.cloudinary.imageTag(data.result.public_id, { format: data.result.for...
自定义视频封面的 URL 地址。***.jpeg Description string 否 上传完成后,在点播中展示的音/视频描述。 长度不超过 1024 个字符。 UTF-8 编码。 UploadTest FileName string 是 待上传的音/视频源文件地址。 必须带扩展名,且扩展名不区分大小写。 支持的扩...