vscode >= 1.37.0 Extension Settings This extension contributes the following settings: vsc-haste.host: set the hastebin provider (e.g.https://haste.uses-dark-the.me,https://psty.io) vsc-haste.psty.theme: set the theme to use for psty.io uploads (matches dropdown onhttps://psty.io...
I always use vscode to connect remote server. And I will download/upload some files. When the file is large, the vscode will lose response. Sometimes I download some files that I don't need in mistakes, I could not cancel these tasks unless I close vscode . VSCodeTriageBot added the tr...
quick-start-node/ ├── .github │ └── workflows │ └── build-lint-test.yml ├── .vscode │ ├── extensions.json │ └── settings.json ├── env │ ├── development.json │ ├── example.json │ ├── production.json │ └── test.json ├── logs │ ├──...
A little cross to remove file from upload would be sufficient in my mind (currently this is aremove filetext). Maybe just an alert if 2 files (one already in repository and one in upload) get the same name and path (just to be sure that this file need to be uploaded). [This is ...
quick-start-node/ ├── .github │ └── workflows │ └── build-lint-test.yml ├── .vscode │ ├── extensions.json │ └── settings.json ├── env │ ├── development.json │ ├── example.json │ ├── production.json │ └── test.json ├── logs │ ├──...
Solar System Replacement? Trouble understanding how these stock prices are being reported Vscode how to remove Incoming/Outgoing changes graph more hot questions Question feed Subscribe to RSS Question feed To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader....
用VSCode开发一个asp.net core2.0+angular5项目(5): Angular5+asp.net core 2.0 web api文件上传 上传单个文件需要使用IFormFile作为Action的参数. 如果上传的是多个文件, 那么应该使用IFormCollection. 这里我做的是单文件上传, 所以使用IFormFile...随后使用注入的IHostingEnvironment获得wwwroot目录, 我想要...
After analysis we found that this feature is already there and if you're using idf monitor inside vscode and trigger flash from vscode it will close the monitor and then only start flashing... If this is not working please open a bug report here: https://github.com/espressif/vscode-esp ...
最笨的方法是直接通过虚拟机编译,其次是通过Xshell或者是MabaXterm通过SSH进入,但是有时候离开IDE就感觉有些难受,现在介绍一下VScode的一个新的插件Remote-SSH,可以在IDE情况下通过SSH远控虚拟机。 配置 安装 在插件库中找到Remote-SSH插件并且安装。 安装......