SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, i wanna upload a CSD file into the application server is there any FM to do these. while the program is executed i wanna check whether it is being executed in the foreground or background,if the report is executed is executed in the background a...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Thanks for reply! When I use the t-code CG3Z, it always asked for file in the application, I just want to upload file from presentation server to App. server, not override a file in application server. How does this work? Reply Go to solution Fo...
0 Kudos 1,462 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all , I need to upload an internal table to SAP Application Server, and the file name is 'XXX.csv'. Can anyone please help me to Solve this Issue? Thanks in Advance!Reply ... Created bySmruti Ranjan Mohanty, last modified onOct 09, 2013Go to start of metadata Reference Link: Note 933420 - ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE
Note also the Security Notes for FileUpload UI Elements. End of the note. When copying from XSTRING to XSTRING no copy of the data is made due to ABAP string sharing. A copy is not created until the data is modified in one of the XSTRINGs. Implementation Details Runtime Class CL_WD...
get data from an excel :*: file and store it in an internal table. :*: :*: Author : www.SAP Development :*: :*: SAP Version : 4.7 :*:...:REPORT zupload_excel_to_itab NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_datatab , col1(25) TYPE c, col2(30) TYPE c, col3(30)...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, chk this sa,ple code. CG3Z - Upload a empty file to a application server from presentation create a file in application server. parameters: p_file like rlgrap-filename obligatory default '/usr/sap/upload.xls'. types: begin of t_data, ...
不知道你怎么做的 干嘛用txt上载 麻烦 用excel多好 每一列对应程序内表的一列 如果用txt你定义内表就一列很长的就行了 维护数据的时候 如果有多列 以一个特殊符号分开 上载之后根据符号对数据进行分割处理
You have used the sap.ui.unified.FileUploader to upload the files. It would be of great help if you let me know the end to end process of how file upload can be achieved using sap.m.UploadCollection.i.e. from SAPUI5 application to abap server using gateway services. In sap.m.Upload...