$("#file_upload").uploadify( "settings", 'formData', { 'folder': '数据导入excel文件', 'guid': guid, 'token':token, } ); }, 'onUploadError': function (event, queueId, fileObj, errorObj) { alert(errorObj.type + ":" + errorObj.info); } }); function InitUpFile(){ var time...
string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/UploadExcel/" + saveName); if (!Directory.Exists(filePath)){ Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath);} string fileName = Path.GetFileName(fileData.FileName);// 原始文件名称 string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(fileName); // 文件扩展名 fileData.Sa...
var excelName = $("#file").val(); var fileTArr=excelName.split("."); //切割出后缀文件名 var filetype=fileTArr[fileTArr.length-1]; if(filetype!=null && filetype!=""){ if(filetype == "xls" ){ $.ajaxFileUpload({ url: $.contextPath + "/userOp_importUsers", type: 'post', s...
When uploading data, you add an Excel dataset and select a CSV file. However, the upload fails, as shown in the following figure. Cause The inherent flaw of CSV files poses a risk of information leakage, so FineBI has implemented certain restrictions on uploading CSV files. ...
首先要上传文件,注意几个问题: 1 form表单内,要添加空间 2 form表单的内容格式要定义成multipa...
message.error(file.name + "文件大小超出限制(10MB),请修改后重新上传"); return fileSize; } }; //在此可进行上传过程中或上传状态变化时处理 handleChange = (info) =>{ if(info.file.status ==='uploading'){//正在上传 }else if(info.file.status ==='done'){//上传成功 ...
how can we upload data in excel file on presentation server to an internal table..? Any pointers on this would be helpful. Regards, Anil. Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Go to solution Former Member Options Mark as New Bookmark Subscribe Mute Subscribe to RSS Feed Permali...
ms-excel MS Excel Workspace *.xml text/xml, application/xml Extensible Markup Language *.zip aplication/zip Compressed Archive 我这里没有单独放上传按钮,添加了onchange事件,在选择文件后立即上传文件,onchange时间定义如下。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 function filePicture...
Below is the approach that I tried and successfully able to upload File to back-end ECC server and upload data to database. Frontend (UI part) In XML view In
OverviewFineBI supports adding an Excel dataset. You can upload Excel data in CSV, XLS, or XLSX.