Note: If you set use_filename_as_display_name to true (in the upload call or upload preset) and the original filename of the asset includes forward slashes, the upload will fail with an error that the display name can't include slashes. Default: false. Not relevant for product environmen...
Normal Dropbox link (the one you create when you ctrl click on a file) does not allow direct downloads so if you put that into your spreadsheet, it will fail. If you replace "" with "" it should work. HOWEVER Each file has a diff...
2.1. IIS not using AJP worker Open up IIS Manager Navigate to the Confluence "site" Right click and click Explore Edit the web.config file in a text editor Make sure in the <system.web> block, there is a value for maxUrlLength="4096", e.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"...
You can use this method to upload online audio or video files by using the file URLs. Resumable upload is supported for this method. You can upload a file of up to 48.8 TB in size. Before you upload online files, you must download the files to a local disk. Make sure that the ...
When I click the displayed file in the view page, here's the error: This localhost page can’t be found No webpage was found for the web address: https://localhost:44333/Users/GetPdf?fileName=sample.pdf HTTP ERROR 404 Saturday, September 7, 2019 4:58 AM Hi Rena Ni, I use yo...
(Upload failed - status 0; error: unable to resolve server address)","backtrace":null},"thread_id":69818145257880,"fiber_id":69818159412460,"process_id":3671,"file":"/var/vcap/packages/dea_next/lib/dea/staging/staging_task.rb","lineno":346,"method":"block (2 levels) in promise_app_...
tus.canStoreURLs A boolean indicating whether the current environment allows storing URLs enabling the corresponding upload to be resumed if the same file (identified using fingerprinting) is passed to the constructor again. Since this storage mechanism is currently bound to the Web Storage API, this...
Note:If you want to set a max upload file size limit that’s larger than the one set by your hosting provider, it’s not possible to do it via this plugin. For that, you need to contact your hosting provider. Upload Files via FTP/SFTP ...
@using ReportViewerForMvc could not be found $.validator = "undefined", and $.validator.unobtrusive as "object is null or undefined" $().load Partial View $(document).Ready not executing for Partial View $ajax post call the Controller Action, and Return File object $window.location.href="...