Upload your DNA for FREE today What to expect with our free DNA upload Global ancestry 8 continental ancestry regions DNA matching Family Matching 8 continental ancestry regions Your DNA breakdown for 8 regions around the world. We compare the markers in your DNA inherited from the last five to...
Upload Raw Microarray DNA Data (23andMe, Ancestry, etc.) Discover which supplements best complement your genetics for optimized health Just upload raw DNA data and answer a quick survey that contributes to our research. Your raw data is confidential and anonymized. FREE Detoxification and Methylation...
et al. (2004) Development of genome-wide DNA polymorphism database for map-based cloning of rice genes. Plant Physiol., 135, 1198–1205. 14. Zhang,Z., Deng,Y., Tan,J., Hu,S., Yu,J. and Xue,Q. (2007) A genome-wide microsatellite polymorphism database for the indica and japonica...