import React from 'react' import { Form, Button, Upload, Icon, message, } from 'antd' export default @Form.create({ onValuesChange(_, values) { console.log(values, 1) } }) class Home extends React.Component { handleSubmit = e => { e.preventDefault() this.props.form.validateFields(...
A React component of async file uploading, using File API+FormData in modern browser, and form+iframe in IE9-. If want to use in IE8, use es5-shim or so. With help of ES6, so babel is required. When in IE9-, an invisible <input> will be put over the chooseBtn so that it ca...
import React from "react"; import axios from "axios"; const FileUpload = () => { const handleFileUpload = (event) => { // get the selected file from the input const file =[0]; // create a new FormData object and append the file to it const formData = new ...
customRequest的具体使用方法如下: // 自定义上传方法photoRequest=async(file)=>{const_this=thisletuploadUrl=`${UploadUrl}/file/upload/${file.uid}`constphotoRequest=newPromise((resolve,reject)=>{letformData=newFormData()formData.append("fileGuid",file.uid)formData.append("name",
方法二:用antd的<Upload>组件的手动上传的代码(参考upload组件中的手动上传的例子)可以参考我发在github上的demo.js文件 //上传的时候不请求接口,参考antd官网的手动上传方法,需要提前npm安装reqwest npm install reqwestimportReactfrom
A React component of async file uploading, using File API+FormData in modern browser, and form+iframe in IE9-. If want to use in IE8, use es5-shim or so. With help of ES6, so babel is required. When in IE9-, an invisible<input>will be put over the chooseBtn so that it can ...
上传文件前端用的开发框架是React, 组件库使用Ant Design,所以上传文件选择使用Upload组件。 最开始看文档是打算beforeUpload的,文档中具体说明是: 上传文件之前的钩子,参数为上传的文件,若返回false则停止上传。支持返回一个 Promise 对象,Promise 对象 reject 时则停止上传,resolve 时开始上传( resolve 传入File或Blob...
代码语言:javascript 复制 // 自定义上传方法photoRequest=async(file)=>{const_this=thisletuploadUrl=`${UploadUrl}/file/upload/${file.uid}`constphotoRequest=newPromise((resolve,reject)=>{letformData=newFormData()formData.append("fileGuid",file.uid)formData.append("name",
ReactNative-FileUpload 已经实现文件上传功能。以下是关键代码,按照我的写法实现文件上传是没有问题的。有问题可以开个issues。给个Star,感谢! 欢迎大家加群讨论点击链接加入群ReactNative-解决问题交流群:644124441 //***文件上传*** uploadImage(imgAry){ console.log('imgAry', imgAry); let formData = new ...
A file input and upload component for React. Latest version: 0.0.3, last published: 8 years ago. Start using react-upload in your project by running `npm i react-upload`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using react-upload.