uplift model—标签转化法( Class Transformation)(第一篇) 论文地址:Uplift modeling for clinical trial data 主要贡献: 寻找高增益人群,如医学实验场景,寻找药物的有效人群。 或者广告,红包场景中因广告,红包而转化的人群,去掉不敏感人群以及自转化人群,从而提升活动效益。 通过标签转化后可以使用一切现有模型直接建模...
The usefulness of both approaches has been verified experimentally on publicly available clinical trial data.Maciej JaskowskiS. JaroszewiczJaśkowski M, Jaroszewicz S (2012) Uplift modeling for clinical trial data. In: ICML, 2012 workshop on machine learning for clinical data analysis. Edinburgh...
^Maciej Jaskowski and Szymon Jaroszewicz. Uplift modeling for clinical trial data. In ICML Workshop on Clinical Data Analysis, 2012.https://people.cs.pitt.edu/~milos/icml_clinicaldata_2012/Papers/Oral_Jaroszewitz_ICML_Clinical_2012.pdf ^abAthey S, Imbens G W. Machine learning methods for ...
A study of the behavior of several methods for balancing machine learning training data There are several aspects that might influence the performance achieved by existing learning systems. It has been reported that one of these aspects is rel... GEAPA Batista,RC Prati,MC Monard - 《Acm Sig...
Causal Inference and Uplift Modeling: A review of the literature Uplift modeling for clinical trial data Pylift: A FastPythonPackage for Uplift Modeling 阿里文娱智能营销增益模型技术实践 本文转载自公众号贝壳产品技术(ID:beikeTC)。 原文链接:
Our study has revealed the utility of uplift modeling in identifying a subset of patients with persistent AF who would most benefit from extensive ablation. By Using an adaptive boosting model on data from the EARNEST-PVI trial, we found that an extensive ablation strategy, such as linear ablati...
Jaśkowski M, Jaroszewicz S (2012) Uplift modeling for clinical trial data. In: ICML 2012 Workshop on Machine Learning for Clinical Data Analysis, Edinburghm, workshop paper Google Scholar Künzel SR, Sekhon JS, Bickel PJ, Yu B (2019) Metalearners for estimating heterogeneous treatment eff...
Jaśkowski, M. & Jaroszewicz, S. (2012). Uplift modeling for clinical trial data. In: ICML, 2012, Workshop on machine learning for clinical data analysis. Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2012, 1-8. Kane, K., Lo, VSY. & Zheng, J. (2014). Mining for the truly responsive customers ...
Uplift modeling for clinical trial data. ICML Workshop on Clinical Data Analysis, 2012. Susan Athey and Guido W. Imbens. Machine learning methods for estimating heterogeneous causal effects. stat, 1050(5), 2015. Dmitri Goldenberg, Javier Albert, Lucas Bernardi, Pablo Estevez Castillo. Free Lunch...
Jas´kowski M, Jaroszewicz S (2012) Uplift modeling for clinical trial data. In: ICML 2012 workshop on machine learning for clinical data analysis, Edinburgh, June 2012 15. Kuusisto F, Santos Costa V, Nassif H, Burnside E, Page D, Shavlik J (2014) Support vector machines for ...