End unnecessary background appsrunning on your PC. Check your internet connection. That’s it for how to fix the Uplay unable to start your download error. Hopefully, one or more of the methods provided in this guide will help you fix the issue. TroubleshootingUplay_r164.dll Not Found or...
【解决方法一】修改host文件 首先我们在【我的电脑】的C盘【Windows/System32/drivers/etc】中找到hosts文件,然后用记事本打开hosts文件,在文件里最底行加上以下代码以连接Ubi服务器: static2.cdn.Ubi.com87.248.214.183 static1.cdn.Ubi.com 如果无法修改...
解决方法一,删除进程 育碧游戏平台打不开,遇到runtime error的问题有可能是因为后台程序被占用了,我们可以试试删除后台的进程看看能不能进入游戏平台。打开任务管理,在服务栏里面找:“spooler”这一服务,然后鼠标右键点击停止,之后重启育碧的客户端即可。解决方法二,优化网络 由于育碧游戏平台的服务器并不在国内...
Visit thislinkand click the Download Uplay for PC button in order to download the latest version of the Uplay client. Double-click the downloaded file in the Downloads folder in order to initiate the downloading and installing process and follow the instructions on screen in order to install ...
Method 2: Fix the missing Uplay_r1.dll error automatically With WikiDll Fixer you can automatically repair uplay_r1.dll errors. The utility will not only download the correct version of uplay_r1.dll for absolutely free and suggest the right directory to install it but also resolve other ...
So, Click onDownload Uplay for PC.After installation Run it on your system. 4. Clear the Uplay Cache The temporary configurations and preferences are stored in the local cache. When we launch the app, these configurations and preferences are then fetched from the cache and help in loading ...
第一种方法:重启steam在Steam服务器高峰时,可能会导致《育碧uplay》出现运行时错误。在这种情况下,建议重新启动Steam,以确保获得稳定的Steam网络连接,保障游戏正常进行,避免联机问题。第二种方法:重启游戏如果遇到《育碧uplay》运行报错runtime error的情况,可能是由于游戏内资源加载失败所引起。您可以尝试多次重新...
Following all the listed methods, the user can quickly fix the error "uplay_r1.dll is missing". Now in your PC, the Windows operating system is fully ready to run any application before, without the appearance of errors associated with DLL files....
4. Now launch theofficial UBISOFT CONNECT websiteand click on Download for PC at the top-right corner. 5. Open theUbisoft Connect Launcherand select theGamestab. 6. Now click onUplayandDownloadit. Launch the game and see if the error has been fixed. ...
To help out, we’ve decided to make a guide for fixing the “Failed to Synchronize Achievements” error on Uplay. Let’s get right into it! 1. Restart Your PC. Whenever you encounter issues with Uplay or any application, the first thing you should do is restart your computer. This sh...