UPI是印度尼西亚教育大学(Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)的简称。以下是对该校的详细介绍: 一、基本信息 创立时间:1954年10月20日学校类型:综合性州立大学主校区位置:印度尼西亚万隆(世界旅游城市,印度尼西亚第四大城市,西爪哇省首府)曾用名:教师教育学院(PTPG)、教师教育科学研究所(IKIP)校区...
英语缩写词UPI通常代表"Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia",中文直译为“印度尼西亚Pendiikan大学”。本文将深入探讨这个缩写词的含义,包括其对应的英文单词、中文拼音(yìn dù ní xī yà dà xué),以及它在英语中的使用频率和分类——学术科学领域中的大学缩写。此外,我们还将提供关于UPI的常见应用...
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UPI Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesian: Indonesia University of Education) UPI University Physicians Inc. UPI Universal Pictures International (film) UPI Unpaid Item (eBay) UPI Unione Delle Province d'Italia (Union of the Province of Italy; benevolent group) UPI Upper Prediction Interval UPI...
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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) is one of the favorite education facilities that attract students from other regions. This fact can cause an increase in the need for a living place near UPI. Limited availability of land and increasing land needs affect the quality of the...
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Easy to Use: Everything is done online or through their app. You can send money directly to bank accounts overseas, or receive money to your Indian bank account or UPI ID from abroad. Send Money Abroad with Wise 🚀 How WhatsApp UPI Works ...
Address: No.6 Middle Of Beisihuan, Beijing, China Telephone: Zip Code: Fax: Pleasesign into view contact details Account Registered in: 2009 Business Range: Health & Medicine Business Type: Trading Company, Other Company Introduction United Pharma Industries Co., Ltd (UPI) is a young and energ...
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