(Beijing) Marine Electronic Equipment Limited*), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company; "COSCO Group" COSCO and its subsidiaries (other than the Group); "COSCO Insurance Brokers" HK COSCO Insurance Brokers and SZ COSCO Insurance Brokers collectively; "COSCO Kansai Companies" COSCO Kansai (...
In this study, technological innovation mainly indicates the increase of output per unit input of enterprises and is manifested in the improvement of internal production technology and equipment. It is also manifested in the increase of raw material utilization efficiency and the simplification of ...
Standard infrastructure and equipment in tourist sites, such as attractive urban spaces and buildings, transport infrastructure, energy supply and distribution, and electronic communication, are some requirements for tourism sites. Ref. [15] explored cruise ship tourism in the Canadian and the Russian ...
In the traditional catalytic system, many inorganic liquid acids (e.g., H2SO4, HCl, and H3PO4) have been explored for the synthesis of EL [16,17]. However, the use of these acids will cause some un- satisfactory problems, such as equipment corrosion, cumbersome steps for separation ...