From the Vista ask the experts session Matt and I did this morning we had a question about upgrading from 32 bit XP running on 64bit hardware and the ability to upgrade the OS to 64bit Vista Business. The answer to this question is that you can upgrade and this is what's supported:...
I have a compiled simulink model inMatlab2011b 32bitversion (windows 7 OS) . Now I upgraded myMatlab to 2017b 64bitversion(Windows 10 OS) . Can I use my model with out any modifications in it or will it cause any errors or issues while compiling or building?
for 3ds Max to operate in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments, a new folder structure under the main program folder needed to be created. 3ds Max SDK users need to be aware of all this to negotiate the new interface and create plug-ins that operate successfully under these changed circums...
I am using VS2010 32 bit, Windows 7 64 bit, Supported components to compile 64 bit projects are installed. I am able to compile the project with 32 bit platform. I want to upgrade the platform to 64 bit. I modified the platform configuration to 64 bit (as per :
Upgrading application and switching from 64-bit to 32-bit I have a WiX installer that can be built as a 32 bit or a 64 bit installer, with some preprocessing to select between ProgramFilesFolder and ProgramFiles64Folder. Since the installer places some files in the Shared Documents Folder an...
Documentation on the actual differences in VBA between Office 2007 and Office 2010 seems to be a bit sparse.This pagespecifically mentions that 32-bit ActiveX controls (both custom and built-in) willnot workin the 64-bit version of Office 2010. Therefore, this may ...
Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.6, 7.0 and 7.1 Application uses syscall FUTEX with Private Userspace futex locking Does not affect Shared or Inode Futex locking Other possible packages may include: IBM JDK 6 32-bit Oracle JDK 7 64-bit ...
Batches hang or stop before completion due to an out-of-memory condition. Solution: Replace Datacap 32-bit actions with Datacap 64-bit actions. 64-bit actions are available in Datacap V9.1.6 and later versions. Warning 1946.Property ‘{9F4C2855-9F79-4B39-A8D0-E1D42DE1D5F3}, 12' fo...
64-bit SPARC only – For 64–bit Solaris systems, a 64–bit Berkeley DB server was not available. The 32–bit server was used instead. For doing a backup or a restore, the 32–bitdb_dumpanddb_loadbinaries are recommended. The Solaris 32–bit packages have to be installed also. For al...
Solved: Hi guys, I'm trying to upgrade my add-ons that I used on 8.82 to SAP 9.0 64bit client. By changing the DI and UI references they work on the 32bitclient. When I