homes and businesses inVictoria are eligible to upgrade to NBN full fibre andaccess to fastest home internet speeds.The full fibre connection grants access to NBNHome Ultrafast, which, NBN Co claims, is close to18x faster than the average NBN home connection,offering wholesale speeds close to 1...
Seven years too late:The missing piece from the Coalition's NBN plan Part of the money, up to AU$700 million, will be used to take fibre to businesses andcreate fibre zonesaround Australia, with another AU$300 million already allocated to fibre upgrades alongside state governments and local ...
摘要: The head of a small ISP has questioned whether a write-down of the value of the nationalbroadband network will end up being the panacea it is painted as, saying the mainproblem facing the NBN is how it should be upgraded to full fibre after the initial build. 年份: 2019 收藏...
"One argument against whether the NBN is worthwhile has been that it will give us capacity that's not needed," says Professor Roughan. "But history in internet traffic globally has shown that every time you add capacity, new innovations come along to fill it." Professor Roughan has won a ...
The head of a small ISP has questioned whether a write-down of the value of the nationalbroadband network will end up being the panacea it is painted as, saying the mainproblem facing the NBN is how it should be upgraded to full fibre after the initial build.Sam Varghese...
NBN Co, the company rolling out Australia's national broadband network, has announced that more than two million additional Australian households can now take fullfibre connections, as the upgrade of the network continues.SAM VARGHESECommswire magazine: Incisive, intormed, independent, objective...