针对你遇到的“old st-link firmware version. upgrade st-link firmware”错误,以下是详细的解决步骤: 确认ST-Link固件版本过旧的问题: 当你在使用ST-Link进行编程或调试时,如果收到此类错误消息,说明当前连接的ST-Link设备的固件版本过旧,需要升级以支持新的功能或修复已知的问题。 查找最新版本的ST-Link固件升...
RN0093 Release note Firmware upgrade for ST-LINK, ST-LINK/V2, ST-LINK/V2-1 and STLINK‑V3 boards About this release note This release note contains information about the latest firmware versions for ST-LINK, ST-LINK/V2, ST-LINK/V2-1, and STLINK-...
3. 升级stlink a. 打开stlink utility工具 b. 拔掉stlink b. 插上stlink c. 不要点其他的,直接点击ST-LINK->Firmware update,弹出如下框。 点击Device connect即可弹出如下部分: 点击yes即可升级成功。
升级固件 一段时间没有使用st-link烧写程序了。打开keil5准备把程序烧写到stm32板子上时,报错Old ST-LINK firmware detected.do you want to upgrade it?经查,发现是stlink固件太旧了,需要升级。升级就升级吧,结果点击之后没反应。于是上网搜解决方案。原来就是到stm32官网下载st-link utility。于是登录官网下载。
Ok, I saw an option "Firmware upgrade" option inside ST-LINK. So I tried to use this option. I disconnected ST-LIINK and clicked on this link. And I got: When I made a connection, then this link was dimmed. So I have a question: Is it possible to upgrade ST-LINK firmware? Such...
Use tool: STM32 ST-LINK Utility v4.0.0.0 Step 1: Connect the ST-Link to the USB port of the computer to ensure that the st-link can be successfully identified. Step 2: Open the STM32 ST-LINK Utility, click the ST-LINK menu (Figure 1), select the Firmware update command, and ente...
OldST-LINKfirmwareversion.UpgradeST-LINKfirmware STEP1:找到 STM32CubeIDE 安装路径,确定待替换 exe 路径 也可以直接使用 everything 之类的搜索软件,快速地位下面两个 exe 的路径 STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe 一般位于STM32CubeIDE_1.0.0\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.externaltools.cubeprogram...
Solved: Hi, I am using STM32CubeProgrammer version 2.12 running on Windows 10 to connect to the STM32MP157F-DK2 board ST-LINK connector CN-11. I
4.3.3 Old ST-LINK firmware/ST-LINK already use and USB communication error It may be that your stlink firmware is too old. You can try these steps: You unplug the stlink, and then plug in the stlink again. You clickST-LINK -> Firmware update. ...
upgradethefirmwarethroughtheUSBport. Table1summarizesthetoolscoveredbythisdocument. Table1.Applicabletools TypePartnumber DevelopmenttoolsST-LINK/V2 .st HostPCsystemrequirementsRN0084 2/4DocID023788Rev1 1HostPCsystemrequirements PCandcompatiblesrunningwith: ...