At the PowerShell command prompt, type the following command and then press ENTER:Copy Mount-SPContentDatabase -Name DatabaseName -DatabaseServer ServerName -WebApplication URL Copy Where: DatabaseName is the name of the database that you want to upgrade. ServerName is server on which the ...
Run the following PowerShell command:Copy Get-PowerPivotSystemService Verify the CurrentSolutionVersion. SQL Server is version 13.0.<major build>.<minor build>Verify the version of the Analysis Services Windows ServiceIf you upgraded only some of your Power Pivot for SharePoint servers in a Sh...
Find-AzUpgradeCommandReference 參考 意見反應 模組: Az.Tools.Migration 在指定的檔案或資料夾中搜尋 AzureRM PowerShell 命令參考。 Syntax PowerShell 複製 Find-AzUpgradeCommandReference -FilePath <String> -AzureRmModuleSpec <System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,CommandDefinition]> [<...
We are using this Cmdlet:,to Upgrade the SKU to A7 and A8. We are able to scale to A7 from UI as shown below. On trying withPowerShell Cmdlet, we get the below error: Update-AzureRmPowerBIEmbeddedCapacity : Cannot ...
Set-CMTSStepRunCommandLine Set-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript Set-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence Set-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable Set-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr Set-CMTSStepSetVariable Set-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem Set-CMUpdateGroupDeployment Set-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem Set-CMVpnProfileConfigurationItem...
Create a software distribution package and program by using the following command: powershell -executionpolicy bypass -noprofile -command "& {$query=gwmi -class CCM_CITask -namespace root\ccm\citasks; $query| rwmi}" Set...
Using Failover Cluster Manager or PowerShell, add a new IP address for the new subnet to set the IP address resource dependency to OR. Related content Complete the Database Engine Upgrade Change the database compatibility level and use the Query Store ...
Beginning in Windows Server 2012, command-line installations are performed by using the ADDSDeployment Module in Windows PowerShell. GUI-based promotions are performed in Server Manager using a completely new AD DS Configuration Wizard. To simplify the installation process, ADPREP has been integrated ...
Windows PowerShell command to check databases before attaching Visual Upgrade Feature Upgrade New options for reducing downtime during upgrade Changes in key features between versions Upgrade requirements Before you can perform an in-place upgrade or database attach upgrade to SharePoint Server 2010, yo...
Run the following command to check the WAP configuration. The ConnectedServersName value reflects the server run from the prior command: PowerShell Copy Get-WebApplicationProxyConfiguration To upgrade the ConfigurationVersion of the WAP servers, run the following PowerShell command: Power...