If you are using third-party logging services such as BugSnag or Rollbar, you may need to upgrade those third-party packages to a version that supports Monolog 3.x and Laravel 10.x. Queues TheBus::dispatchNowMethod Likelihood Of Impact: Low ...
Namely, new Laravel applications contain fewer service providers, middleware, and configuration files.However, we do not recommend that Laravel 10 applications upgrading to Laravel 11 attempt to migrate their application structure, as Laravel 11 has been carefully tuned to also support the Laravel 10 ...
Any installer older than 4.0 will cease to work after October 2020. You should upgrade your global installer to ^4.0 as soon as possible.Finally, examine any other third-party packages consumed by your application and verify you are using the proper version for Laravel 8 support....
Laravel Upgrade Doc suggest to upgrade nunomaduro/collision version to ^8.1 but default laravel/laravel composer.json version is ^8.0. That's the reason i submitted this PR. Thanks Update composer.json 48b8231 View details taylorotwell merged commit 6e71b99 into laravel:11.x Sep 18, 2024 ...
Subject of the issue I have a very recent installation of Laravel 8.x. The only 3rd party library that I have is this one and it fails the upgrade for me because for some reason this library requires bunch of Illuminate packages that are...
Laravel Shift - the automated way to upgrade Laravel applications. Upgrade Laravel applications all the way from Laravel 4.2 to the latest version of Laravel.
在Laravel 5.7 以及 Laravel 更早的版本的中,一些缓存驱动提供的“原子锁”特性,可能由于一些意外行为导致锁被提前释放。 例如:客户端 A获取了一个 10 秒过期的锁foo。客户端 A实际上需要耗费 20 秒来完成它的任务。在客户端 A任务执行期间,锁被缓存系统自动释放。之后客户端 B获取到锁foo。最终客户端 A完成...
Update your laravel/framework dependency to 5.8.* in your composer.json file.Next, examine any 3rd party packages consumed by your application and verify you are using the proper version for Laravel 5.8 support.The Application Contract
ALL Laravel Excel 2.* methods are deprecated and will not be able to use in 3.0 .Excel::load() is removed and replaced by Excel::import($yourImport)Excel::create() is removed and replaced by Excel::download/Excel::store($yourExport)...
'storage/logs/laravel.log', 'storage/framework', 'storage/framework/cache', 'storage/framework/sessions', 'storage/framework/views', 'storage/app', 'storage/app/backups', 'storage/app/backup-temp', 'storage/private_uploads', 'public/uploads', ]; $dirs_writable = ''; ...