AWSCLI_DIRECT_INSTALL=1 if [ "${CONTAINER_FULLNAME}" = "ubuntu:23.04" ]; then if [ "${CONTAINER_FULLNAME}" = "ubuntu:23.10" ]; then PACKAGE_MANAGER_BIN="apt-get" PACKAGE_UPDATE_OPTIONS="update -y -qq" PACKAGE_INSTALL_OPTIONS="install -y" 0 comments on commit a3964b3 Please...
tanzu mc upgrade --vsphere-vm-template-name "/dc0/vm/tanzu/ubuntu-2204-kube-v1.28.11-vmware.1" To skip the confirmation step when you upgrade a cluster, specify the--yesoption. tanzu mc upgrade --yes The upgrade process first upgrades the Cluster API provider for vSphere that is running...
Azure/azure-cli#7368 was resolved in 2.46.0, and we are upgrading to the latest 2.62.0 because 2.46.0 is not available in the Ubuntu Noble package repository. Dockerfile @@ -135,7 +133,7 @@ COPY ./macros.d /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d ARG JENKINS_USERNAME=jenkins ENV USER=${JENKINS...
grubba: We tested in galaxy Maybe that’s the problem, I’m using AWS for starters, not sure where @pbeato is trying to deploy. 1 Reply rjdavid Sep '23 Seems some OS like ubuntu 20.04 uses an older version of glibc than what is used to compile the meteor build 1 a4...
docker stop loki docker rm loki docker run --rm --name="loki-perm" -it --mount source=loki-data,target=/mnt ubuntu /bin/bash cd /mnt chown -R 10001:10001 ./* exit docker run -d --name=loki --mount source=loki-data,target=/loki -p 3100:3100 grafana/loki:1.5.0 ...
Ubuntu Linux Update-Methoden Migration AWS CloudFormation stapeln AWS Fargate Erste Schritte Definieren Sie Profile Profile löschen Einzelheiten zur Pod-Konfiguration Betriebssystem-Patch-Ereignisse Erfassen Sie Messwerte Protokollierung EC2 Amazon-Instance-Typen Vorgefertigt, optimiert AMIs Dockershim-Ve...
CentOS 7.7, Ubuntu 18.04 • NetBackup does not support the vCloud Director 10 feature called "Automatic discovery and import of vCenter VMs." Note the following: • The EEB required for Instant Access with VMware vSphere 8.0, 8.0 U1, 8.0 U2, 8.0 U3, on NetBackup 10.1 and VMware vSphe...
Mac,Windows,Linux,Docker Cloud,AWS,Azure均可部署。 本次准备的平台是Ubuntu发行版(14.04),为了兼容docker,选择linux发行版的时候内核需控制在3.10以上。 Docker 根据用户选择的平台安装docker引擎,安装指导可参考官方文档,搭配Rancher使用,docker引擎版本最优选择1.12.6或者1.13.1。本次准备的docker引擎版本是1.12.6。
buildkit require to do additional checks with registry, for users using docker build with images that don’t have ca-certificates installed (i.e. ubuntu:latest), their build would fail with the following error: failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: Get "https://register.ho...
You can also update your functions to use the N|Solid Lambda layer with the AWS CLI. To update an existing function: aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name<YOUR_FUNCTION_NAME>--layersarn:aws:lambda:<AWS_REGION>:800406105498:layer:nsolid-node-10:6--...