@@ -192,6 +194,6 @@ and deletes the locally stored JWT and refresh token. `Promise`\<`void`\> <h3 class="nx-font-semibold nx-tracking-tight nx-text-slate-900 dark:nx-text-slate-100 nx-mt-8 nx-text-2xl">Source</h3> ### Defined in [src/react/index.tsx:171](https://github...
{ "LOGIN_CHECK": true, "MULTIPLE_TAB": true, "LAYOUT": "TB", "MENU_FAVOR": true, "SHOW_INSTRUCTIONS": true, "RANDOM_CODE_ENABLE": true, "JWT_TOKEN_ENABLE": false // 是否使用JWT_TOKEN认证方式,默认使用session认证 }, "MODULE_URL":{ "GRAFANA_URL": "" }...
Risk: Affected versions of jsonwebtoken are vulnerable to Use Of A Broken Or Risky Cryptographic Algorithm. The library could be misconfigured so that legacy, insecure key types are used for signature verification. For example, DSA keys could be used with the RS256 algorithm. Manual Review Advic...
- <Tag>新增</Tag> 更强大的 `JWTEncryption.SecurityReadJwtToken('token')` 读取解析 `Token` 静态方法 [574eeb6](https://gitee.com/dotnetchina/Furion/commit/574eeb601294378e68c3d57ceaf6cb17f36636e3) - <Tag>新增</Tag> `ValiationTypes.Html` 验证 `Html` 标签 [#I5HBK...
Creates or finds a UpgradePreference from its string representation. Parameters: name - a name to look for. Returns: the corresponding UpgradePreference.values public static Collection values() Gets known UpgradePreference values. Returns: known UpgradePreference values.Applies...
JwtClaimChecks KeyInfo KeyType KeyValuePairStringObject KeyVaultSecretStatus Kind KnownActiveRevisionsMode KnownAuthenticationType KnownAzureStorageProtocol KnownBasicAuthName KnownBuildStatus KnownCheckNameResourceTypes KnownContainerAppProvisioningState KnownCustomDomainStatus KnownDaprLogLevel KnownDatabaseType Known...
Magento_JwtUserToken Magento_LoginAsCustomer Magento_LoginAsCustomerAdminUi Magento_LoginAsCustomerApi Magento_LoginAsCustomerAssistance Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi Magento_LoginAsCustomerGraphQl Magento_LoginAsCustomerLog Magento_LoginAsCustomerPageCache ...
CHANGED - RequestCanonicalizer no longer requires a hash function parameter Note that this class is primarily used internally by com.twilio.jwt.validation.ValidationToken. // 7.x.x import com.google.common.hash.HashFunction; import com.google.common.hash.Hashing; import com.twilio.jwt.validation;...
Creates or finds a UpgradePreference from its string representation. Parameters: name - a name to look for. Returns: the corresponding UpgradePreference.values public static Collection values() Gets known UpgradePreference values. Returns: known UpgradePreference values.Applies...