UPenn Medicine Summer Program for High School Students宾大医学高中生暑期项目(简称:UPenn Medicine)是在Perelman School of Medicine宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院主办的医学暑期项目,面向对医学职业感兴趣的11-12年级的高中生开放,项目共4周时间。其项目丰富多样,能够帮助学生们接触到基本的医学培训,包括缝合、抽血...
申请截止 日期 :2022年3月15日 UPenn Medicine Summer Program for High School Students(UPenn Medicine) 宾大医学高中生暑期项目是在宾夕法尼亚大学佩雷尔曼医学院主办的医学暑期项目,面向对医学职业感兴趣的11-12年级的高中生开放,项目共4周时间。项目丰富多样,能够帮助学生们接触到基本的医学培训...
申请材料 在线申请表-Online Application Form 申请文书-Application essay(学术&个人目标) 高中成绩单-High school transcripts (接受官方或非官方) 推荐信-One letter of recommendation 非英语母语者需提供英语水平证明(TOEFL, IELTS,SAT, PSAT, orACT) 报名官网: https://promys.org/programs/promys/for-students/...
which means that I won’t have extra test preps to worry about, and the scores serve as a great guideline for deciding my “reach, match and safety” schools. They’re also super helpful for applying to competitive summer schools LIKE YYGS ...
School of Nursing: Penn Nursing intends to meet the health needs of a global, multicultural world by preparing its students to impact healthcare through advancing science. How will you contribute to our mission of promoting equity in healthcare and how will Penn Nursing contribute to your future...
August, Anirban's paper titled "Modulating the Contact Angle between Nonpolar Polymers and SiO2 Nanoparticles" is accepted for publication in Macromolecules. Congratulations! July, the SMART Lab enjoys their annual summer picnic andbids farewellto Baekmin and Yoon-Ho!
比如数学建模等,拿到比较好的奖项。文书上,就是一定要陈述清楚,转学的原因+WHY School部分。
Students should acquire Arthur O’Sullivan’s Urban Economics 5th or 6th edition. (Boston: McGraw Hill). The chapter notations on the syllabus are for the 6th edition; a handout provided at the first class meeting will give corresponding page numbers for the 5th edition. The remaining required...
Students will select a 700 elective from the Architecture department's Spring elective offerings. Summer Term III ARCH 707 Fabrication Studio This capstone studio integrates students; diverse knowledge through the design and fabrication of a full-scale building façade mock-up using advanced technologi...
A competitive application to an Ivy League school like UPenn will feature at least one or two activities that fall into the top two tiers of extracurriculars. The idea of colleges looking for well-rounded students is a myth—the most competitive applicants have a highly-developed interest, know...