Program Overview 项目概述 The Master of Computer and Information Technology (MCIT) program is a rigorous graduate-level program that gives talented students who have no prior experience in Computer Science an opportunity to embark on a highly successful career in computing and technology, often in co...
CIS - Graduate 课程设置 CIS专业的毕业要求为十门课,其中四门需要为core,三门为CIS系的专业选修课,三门为CIS或其他专业(经系里批准)的选修课。 必修课中至少要有一门理论课(theory),可选算法(algorithms)或计算理论(theory of computation... 以上为斑马博士为您整理。 以上为斑马博士留学中心整理,若需要进一步咨询,搜索 “斑马博士留学”中心官方网站咨询。
(截图摘自: 那这样一个炙手可热的项目,申请截止日期和是申请条件是如何的呢?需要满足什么样的申请条件呢? 申请截止日期: 沃顿商学院的MBA项目申请总共分为三轮, 但是针对第一次申请或者是国际生,建议以第一轮和第二轮的日期为主,因为到了第三轮,开...
2017年校友(印度學生) Ranjan Nayyar 在Linkedin上面對於申請者的一些建議A Guide for students applying to Design based Graduate Programs in US Universities。寫得很具體,值得參考喔! 賓州大學電腦視覺設計與遊戲科技的工程碩士 這個主修不是開在設計學院,而是開在工程學院喔! 另外對遊戲設計有興趣的同學,也可以...
those receiving medical training. FMGs who wish to participate in clinical programs of graduate ...
Similarly, the J-1 program of the University of Pennsylvania may not be used for foreign medical graduates (FMGs) who will be involved in clinical activities or for those receiving medical training. FMGs who wish to participate in clinical programs of graduate medical education or training cannot...
Survey Methods & Design Measurement & Assessment Regression and Analysis of Variance Measurement Theory and Test Construction Policy Research Seminar 【选修课程】 ...