特朗普竞选团队还曾试图迫使学院和大学取消 DEI 计划。DEI 全称 Diversity, equity, and inclusion,即多元、平等和包容的环境。 他们认为,DEI 项目过度强调个体或群体的身份,将某些群体特征置于个体能力和成就之上,缺乏明确的成功衡量标准,花费了大量资源却未显著改善少数族裔群体的实际处境。 这在一定程度上也挑起了 "...
特朗普竞选团队还曾试图迫使学院和大学取消DEI计划。DEI全称Diversity, equity, and inclusion,即多元、平等和包容的环境。 他们认为,DEI项目过度强调个体或群体的身份,将某些群体特征置于个体能力和成就之上,缺乏明确的成功衡量标准,花费了大量资源却未显著改善少数族裔群体的实际处境。 这在一定程度上也挑起了“种族歧视...
37th and Hamilton Walk. INTERNAL PAGES med.upenn.edu 1 University of Pennsylvania || Perelman School of Medicine || Overview http://www.med.upenn.edu/overview.shtml Message from the Dean. Inclusion and Diversity ». Academic Departments ». Centers and Institutes ». Global and ...
Penn IUR's new Fellows in Urban Leadership program gives outstanding Penn undergrads the opportunity to engage with urban leaders. The Mellon Foundation has awarded $1.533 million to Penn for a five-year project focused on urban diversity and inclusion entitled The Inclusive City: Past, Present, ...
And Gay, who had previously only faced a few isolated calls to resign, faced dozens of additional calls for her resignation as the exchange with Stefanik went viral. Gay said in an interview with The Crimson on Thursday that she has the support of Penny S. Pritzker ’81, senior fellow of...
institutions. Leaders of colleges and universities must not allow ourselves to be put on the defensive by politicians who are mostly interested in scoring points. We must defend academic freedom and intellectual diversity to ensure that demagogues don’t get to decide what we read or how ...