计算机科学领域分支: CS主要的研究领域和学习领域包括14个主要方向:系统与网络(System and Network)、人工智能与机器人(Artificial Intelligence and Robotics)、计算机隐私与安全(Privacy and Security)、编程语言(Programming Language)、数据库(Database)、计算机图形学(Computer Graphics)、生物信息学与计算Biology(Bioinfor...
想找全职的同学可以利用第一年的时间打基础,还有余力刷刷题,做点自己的side project之类的。这样的话...
Through all the robotics competitions I participated in, there was one recurring theme: while we could write thousands of lines of code, we couldn't come close to simulating the complexity of the brain. This application of computer science, neurophysiology, and engineering – imitating the human ...
acquire and process sensory data to learn about the world around them. At Penn. This broad topic is studied using a wide variety of experimental and theoretical approaches. Faculty and students in the School of Engineering and Applied Science. And the School of Arts and Sciences. All contribute...
我深知想要以非科班出身的条件申请Data Science/Computer Science的项目必须要付出比别人更多的努力。所以我在申请季之前的准备主要分为三个部分:1)GPA 2)补充DS/CS方面的专业知识,积累项目经验 )语言成绩 首先是GPA,不得不说在硕士项目申请当中,GPA真的很重要!转专业申请,原来专业的学习也是不能松懈丝毫。...
will be evaluated for the CIS/MSE program; candidates for the CIS/MSE program are expected to have a strong academic background in computer science. Candidates who apply for the CIS/MSE program but whose background is considered more appropriate for the MCIT program, will be evaluated for the...
How to make online human avatars more realistic Professor Norman I. Badler’s work developing human figure animation software How art can be used to fix the world’s problems The DMD elective course “Environmental Animation” A well-rounded perspective on computer science The program’s requiremen...
收获CMU Master of Science (M.S.) in Software Engineering,Duke Master of Science in Electrical & Computer Engineering,GTech Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering,USC Master of Science in Computer Science (General)录取!
2024/02/28 [TYPES/announce] CfA: PhD in theoretical computer science, Kings College (London / UK), deadline 12 April Riccardo Treglia 2024/02/28 [TYPES/announce] Logic Colloquium 2024, Gothenburg, 24-28 June 2024 Graham Leigh 2024/02/26 [TYPES/announce] Job offer / Researcher-Engineer...